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Change Number: NMCARS Change 18-22
Effective Date: 07/11/2022

5204.2104 Waivers.

5204.2104 Waivers.

(a) ASN(RDA), without power of redelegation, is the approval authority for waivers. Requests shall be endorsed by the HCA. Endorsement authority may be delegated no lower than the Deputy/Assistant Commander for Contracts, without power of redelegation. Submit waiver requests for approval via DASN(P) by email to sends email) with the subject “[Activity Name] NMCARS 5204.2104(a) – Executive Agency Waiver Request (Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment)”. Waivers shall include:

(1) A compelling justification for the additional time to implement the requirements;

(2) A full and complete laydown or description of the presences of covered telecommunications or video surveillance equipment or services in the relevant supply chain; and

(3) A phase-out plan to eliminate such covered telecommunications equipment or services from the relevant systems.

(b) Waiver requests shall be endorsed by the HCA. This authority may be delegated no lower than the Deputy/Assistant Commander for Contracts, without power of redelegation. Submit waiver requests for approval via DASN(P) by email to sends email) with the subject “[Activity Name] NMCARS 5204.2104(b) – DNI Waiver Request (Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment).”