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Change Number: 2025-0317
Effective Date: 03/17/2025

Subpart 5153.2 - Prescription of Forms

Subpart 5153.2 - Prescription of Forms

5153.201 Federal acquisition system.

5153.201-90 Sample Contracting officers representative designation letter.

In accordance with AFARS 5101.602-2-91, the Army will use the Virtual Contracting Enterprise Contracting officer’s Representative (COR) module to nominate, appoint, track, and revoke COR appointments. When the Virtual Contracting Enterprise COR module is unavailable, Contracting officers shall use the sample COR designation letter format in AFARS 5153.303-1 to designate a COR. Designate CORs using official letterhead and follow standard procedures for correspondence. Address the designation to the individual by name, including rank or grade, and full mailing address.

5153.201-91 Sample ordering officer appointment letter.

Use the sample ordering officer appointment letter format in AFARS 5153.303-2 to appoint an ordering officer in accordance with AFARS 5101.602-2-92. Use official letterhead and follow standard procedures for correspondence. Address the appointment to the individual by name, including rank or grade, and full mailing address.

5153.206 Competition requirements.

5153.206-90 Format for justification review document.

Use the justification review document format at AFARS 5153.303-4 to document the requesting activity’s internal review of a proposed justification when using other than full and open competition. Contracting officers will tailor the justification review document format to accommodate the justification’s approval threshold. For example, justifications approved by a Contracting officer may not require command advocate for competition, senior contracting official or HCA review. The completed format becomes the cover page(s) of the justification. Do not use letterhead for this document.

5153.206-91 Format for justification and approval for other than full and open competition.

Use the justification and approval format at AFARS 5153.303-5 to support justifications for other than full and open competition in accordance with the Competition in Contracting Act as implemented in the FAR. Contracting officers shall tailor the justification and approval format to accommodate other type justifications in accordance with the FAR approval thresholds and required content. Do not use letterhead for this document. The approval page is separate from the certifications.

5153.206-92 Format for Determination and Findings for other than full and open competition. (DPCAP 2023-O0003 Class Deviation 2024- O0005—Temporary Authorizations for Covered Contracts Related to Ukraine).

See AFARS 5153.303-11 for determination and findings sample format.

5153.206-93 Instructions for Congressional Notification Requirement When Utilizing the Authorities Conferred by paragraphs (B) – (G) of DPCAP Class Deviation 2024- O0005—Temporary Authorizations for Covered Contracts Related to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel; Workload Forecasting Instructions

a. When using the authority at paragraph (B) of of DPCAP Class Devaition 2024-O0005 – Temporary Authoritzation for Covered Contracts Related to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel, subparagraph (H)(1) of the class deviation requires written Congressional and DPCAP notification not later than seven days before contract award. Contracting officers shall use the sample format at AFARS 5153.303-12 for the notification.

b. When using the authorities at paragraphs (B) thorough (G) of DPCAP Class Devaition 2024- O0005 – Temporary Authoritzation for Covered Contracts Related to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel, subparagraph (H)(2) of the class deviation requires written Congressional and DPCAP notification within seven days after contract award. Contracting officers shall use the sample format at AFARS 5153.303-13 for the notification.

c. Contracting officers shall submit congressional defense and DPCAP notification for HQDA review, coordination, and/or approval via ETMS2 to the ODASA(P) directorate listed at AFARS 5101.290(b)(1)(ii)(B) within one-day after award in order to meet the congressional defense committee requirement. c. Furthermore, to forecast workload requirements, the ODASA(P) will task Commands via the Enterprise Task Management Software Solution (ETMS2) bi-weekly to provide a listing of applicable actions. A template will be provided in ETMS2 to collect the following information for all applicable actions.

(1) Program name.

(2) Contract number, and modification number, if applicable.

(3) Total estimated contract value (including options).

(4) Contracting activity name and DoDAAC.

(5) Contractor name and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code.

(6) Quantities and/or period of performance.

(7) Reason for using the authority.

(8) Expected outcome of using the authority, including estimated reductions in schedule.

Contracting officers shall submit this data via ETMS2 as instructed.

5153.213 Simplified acquisition procedures.

5153.213-70 Completion of DD Form 1155, order for supplies or services.

(a) Instructions for DD Form 1155 entries. (See DFARS PGI 253.213-70.)

Block 19, Schedule of Supplies or Services, for task orders under job order contracts, see AFARS 5117.9004-3(g)(1).

5153.233 Protests, disputes, and appeals.

5153.233-90 Format for bid protest action report.

Use the format for a bid protest action report at AFARS 5153.303-6 to provide notification of a Government Accountability Office protest resolution. Contracting officers will email the report to the addressees provided at AFARS 5133.190-1 within 15 calendar days of its resolution.

5153.233-91 Format for quarterly bid protest analysis report.

Use the sample format for the quarterly bid protest analysis report at AFARS 5153.303-7 to submit quarterly bid protest reports in accordance with AFARS 5133.190-2. The quarterly bid protest analysis report for Government Accountability Office protests is emailed with copies of the bid protest action reports to the addressee in AFARS 5101.290(b)(5), not later than 30 calendar days following the end of the quarter.

5153.242 Contract administration and audit services.

5153.242-90 Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System initial registration consolidated format.

Use the sample Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) initial registration consolidated format at AFARS 5153.303-9 to submit contract registration information to the CPARS contracting activity focal point upon award of a contract eligible for a past performance assessment report. Retain the completed document in the official contract file.

5153.242-91 CPARS access request format.

Use the sample CPARS access request format at AFARS 5153.303-10 to submit contract access information to the CPARS contracting activity focal point upon award of a contract eligible for a past performance assessment report. Retain the completed document in the official contract file.

5153.245 Government property.

5153.245-90 Sample withdrawal of approval of property control system letter.

Use the sample withdrawal of approval of property control system letter at AFARS 5153.303-8 in accordance with FAR subpart 45.5 and DFARS subpart 245.5 to notify a contractor that approval of his property control system is withdrawn. Use official letterhead and follow standard procedures for correspondence.

5153.245-91 Consumption reports for ammunition.

When the contract, including a delivery or task order, will involve the furnishing of munitions as Government Furnished Material (GFM), Contracting officers shall include a contract line item and Section J attachment for the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), DD Form 1423-2 (Rev. Aug 96) to collect periodic consumption data for the GFM from the contractor as authorized by Federal Acquisition Regulation clause 52.245-1, Government Property. The CDRL shall identify the format, frequency, and addressee(s), to include the Defense Contract Management Agency when applicable, for submission of the periodic consumption reports as identified by the requiring activity.