Part 5141 - Acquisition of Utility Services
(Revised 01 October 2024)
Subpart 5141.1 - General
5141.102 Applicability.
See Army Regulation 420-41 Acquisition and Sale of Utilities Services.
Subpart 5141.2 - Acquiring Utility Services
5141.201 Policy.
In accordance with Army Regulation 420-41, the Chief of Engineers is the Department of the Army power procurement officer exercising authority delegated by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and is responsible for the administration of the purchase and sale of utility services and for policies, engineering, rates, and legal sufficiency related to in connection with all utility services transactions and contracts in which the Army has a monetary interest. The Chief of Engineers may enter into definite term utility contracts for utility services for periods not to exceed 10 years. The Chief of Engineers may redelegate this authority to the deputy Army power procurement officer.