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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

Subpart 5145.1 - General

Subpart 5145.1 - General

5145.101 Definitions.

As used in this part—

“Accounting Requirements Code” (ARC)isa code assigned to each item of supply to identify its specific classification and the degree of accounting and control that must be applied at the user level. Logistics Support Activity assigns the accounting requirements code (ARC) using the ARC assignment criteria contained in DA Pam 708–2, Cataloging and Supply Management Data Procedures for the Army Enterprise Material Master.

“Nonexpendable”, as used in the definition of equipment at AR 735-5, Property Accountability Policies refers to an item that is not consumed in use and that retains its original identity during the period of use. These items have an ARC of “N” contained in the Federal Logistics Data Base (FEDLOG)

5145.102 Policy.

(b) See AFARS 5145.103-70.

(e) The HCA shall make the determination at FAR 45.102(e). See Appendix GG for further delegation.

(4) Government-furnished property identification.

(ii)(B) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) has the authority to determine exceptions to the item unique identification requirement to tag, mark and label items used to support a contingency operation, or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological attack as set forth in DFARS 245.102(4)(ii)(B). See Appendix GG for further delegation.

(C)(1)(i) The responsible Program Executive Officer shall execute the determination and findings for all ACAT I programs. See Appendix GG.

(ii) The HCA shall execute the determination and findings for all non-ACAT I programs. See Appendix GG for further delegation.

5145.103 General.

See AFARS PGI 5145.103(a)(6) for instructions associated with declaring excess property.

5145.103-70 Furnishing Government property to contractors.

(2) The Contracting officer shall ensure the Requiring Activity’s documentation to support furnishing Government property for commercial services below the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (SAT), as defined in FAR 2.101, meets the requirements outlined in FAR 45.102 and DFARS PGI 245.103-70(2).

The Contracting officer shall include documentation received from the Requiring Activity which supports the decision to provide Government Property in the Paperless Contract File (PCF) Pre-award Section (i.e., Requirements Package folder), in accordance with AFARS 5104.8.

5145.103-72 Government-furnished property attachments to solicitations and awards.

(a) The requiring activity or Program Management Office (PMO) is responsible for initiating the GFP attachment in the GFP module.

(b) The Contracting officer is responsible for approving the GFP attachment in the GFP module.

5145.103-73 Government property under sustainment contracts.

(1) Contracting officers may accept alternate Data Item Description from that identified in the DFARS PGI 245.103-73, if the requiring activity so determines.

See AFARS PGI 5145.103-74(1)(a) for instructions associated with the use ofLogistics Management Program (LMP) and Total Asset Visibility at Contractor Locations (TAV-C).

5145.103-74 Contracting office responsibilities.

See AFARS PGI 5145.103-74 for instructions associated with documentation of Government Property and recurring inventory reports.

5145.105 Contractor’s property management system compliance.

See AFARS PGI 5145.105 for instructions associated with the Contractor’s property management system compliance.

5145.107 Contract Clauses.

See AFARS PGI 5145.107 for instructions associated with the use of clauses in solicitations and contracts which include the use of GFP 5145.190.

5145.190-1 Leasing personal property.

(a) See Army Regulation 700-131 para 2-3 Government Furnished Equipment.

5145.190-2 Furnishing Government property after award.

See AFARS PGI 5145.190-2 for instructions associated with the Furnishing Government property after award.