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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

Subpart 5139.74 - Telecommunications Services

Subpart 5139.74 - Telecommunications Services

5139.7402 Policy.

(b)(4) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) may authorize actions as described in DFARS 239.7402(b)(4). See Appendix GG for further delegation.

(e) Commercial Satellite Communications. Pursuant to Public Law 116-283 Section 1605 and DoD policy, DoD organizations, Services, and Combatant Commands must procure all Commercial Satellite Communications (COMSATCOM) services through the United States Space Force’s (USSF’s) Commercial SATCOM Communications Office (CSCO. Commercial managed services or internet through satellites are considered Commercial SATCOM and represent the SATCOM Segment of the DoD Information Network (DoDIN). See paragraph (d) of Enclosure (E) to Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI) 6250.01Gand paragraph 1.2 of DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8420.02.

(1) Contracting officers are not authorized to procure any COMSATCOM services, unless a waiver is provided by program offices or requiring activities that authorizes procurement of COMSAT products or services that are not available through the USSF’s CSCO.

(2) Program offices or requiring activities shall contact one of the USS Force CSCO, local Regional SATCOM Support Centers (RSSCs) for a waiver and all procurement assistance.

West CMCL 719-554-4304 DSN 312-692-4304

East CMCL 813-828-6836 / 6841 DSN 312-968-6836 / 6841

Europe CMCL 49 (0)711 907120 5265 DSN 324-434-5230

Pacific CMCL 808-656-0683 DSN 315-456-656-0683
