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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

Subpart 5113.3 - Simplified Acquisition Methods

Subpart 5113.3 - Simplified Acquisition Methods

5113.302 Purchase orders.

5113.302-3 Obtaining contractor acceptance and modifying purchase orders.

(b) It is not necessary to modify a purchase order to document a shortage in the final shipment, provided the shortage is within the permissible variation in quantity, if any, established in the purchase order.

5113.303 Blanket purchase agreements (BPAs).

5113.303-1-90 General.

(a) It is preferable to have multiple BPAs for similar items and to establish prices using reverse auctions among BPA holders. If quantities are too small and not conducive to using a reverse auction, then when practicable, Contracting officers should establish pre-priced BPAs by negotiating firm unit prices for specific periods of time or by incorporating suppliers’ price lists or catalogs in BPAs.

(b) Contracting officers should not establish blanket purchase agreements for supplies or services when the use of unpriced purchase orders is appropriate (see FAR 13.302-2).

5113.303-2-90 Establishment of BPAs.

(a) The Contracting officer shall do the following:

(1) Ensure that those individuals authorized to place calls under BPAs have received training and orientation in accordance with paragraph (b).

(2) Provide a copy of the BPA to individuals authorized to place BPA calls.

(3) Ensure that individuals have ready access to price lists or catalogs incorporated in BPAs. The use of reverse auctions to determine pricing among BPAs is the preferred method.

(4) Provide suppliers the names of individuals authorized to place calls.

(5) Inform individuals authorized to place calls that they may not further delegate the authority to others.

(b) Training for use of BPAs is the same as that required for the use of purchase cards. Orientation must focus on the BPA process, except that if the same individual will also be a purchase cardholder, BPA orientation must be in addition to the purchase card program orientation. The chief of the contracting office is responsible for approving training course content and instructor qualifications when someone outside the contracting office provides the training.

5113.303-5 Purchases under BPAs.

(b)(1) Individual purchases under BPAs established in accordance with FAR 13.303-2(c)(3) may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.

(2) Individual purchases of commercial items under BPAs, other than BPAs established in accordance with FAR 13.303-2(c)(3), may exceed the simplified acquisition threshold up to the dollar limitation specified in FAR 13.500.

(c) Sole source individual commercial item purchases exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold shall comply with the documentation requirements of FAR 13.501(a).

5113.303-6 Review procedures.

(b) In addition to the review procedures in FAR 13.303-6, Contracting officers who authorize individuals to place calls under BPAs shall –

(i) Ensure that individuals equitably distribute calls among suppliers with BPAs;

(ii) Ensure that individuals do not split requirements to evade monetary limitations;

(iii) Require that individuals refer all cases where prices are not considered to be reasonable to the Contracting officer for consideration; and

(iv) Maintain continuing surveillance over individuals to ensure compliance with acquisition regulations.

5113.305 Imprest funds and third party drafts.

5113.305-3 Conditions for use.

(a) The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) shall make the approval as described in FAR 13.305(a). See Appendix GG for further delegation.

5113.306-90 Standard form 44, purchase order - invoice - voucher.

(a) The Contracting officer signature constitutes certification of fund availability under the appropriation cited on the order. The Contracting officer is responsible for ensuring that funds are available and for entering the proper accounting classification on the order.

(b) When the bulk funding concept defined at FAR 13.101 is used, the Contracting officer must inform the finance and accounting officer at the close of each accounting month of the amount of all purchases made from the bulk funding accounting by use of the Standard Form 44.

(c) If the supplier agrees, the Contracting officer may hold completed Standard Forms 44 until the end of a month and prepare Standard Form 1034 as the payment voucher with the Standard Forms 44 attached as sub-vouchers. In such cases, the Contracting officer signature on Standard Form 1034 will be sufficient in place of a signature on each Standard Form 44 attached. If the supplier does not agree to use this procedure, or if a time payment discount offered is not possible because of this procedure, the Contracting officer must process the individual Standard Form 44 without delay to take the time payment discount.