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Change Number: 2025-0317
Effective Date: 03/17/2025



4-1. Mandatory Training

a. Prior to assuming their duties, program personnel will complete the GPC training appropriate to their position. The training requirements for CHs and BOs trained at a previous duty station may be abbreviated or waived, in writing, as determined by the A/OPC. Proof of training must be documented and retained by the A/OPC. The local command may require additional mandatory training to satisfy their training or operational needs.

b. PIEE/JAM is the mandatory electronic system for documenting and retaining training records. PIEE includes capabilities to track and report training course completion, issue automatic training reminders for recurring requirements, and systemically promote compliance with requirements to complete training prior to appointment issuance. JAM system validations prohibit appointment of individuals who, if required for their roles, have not completed CLG 0010 and CLG 006. PIEE/JAM automatically records completion of all required and recommended DAU courses. When tracking training in JAM, users are not required to manually load electronic copies (e.g., PDFs) of training certificates for courses that automatically were recorded via the DAU/PIEE system interface (i.e., DAU is listed as the “Source”).

c. PIEE includes the capability for GPC program participants to manually record completion of non-DAU training and provide/maintain an electronic copy of training certificates. DoD GPC One-Pagers 3OP010, Uploading Training Certificates to PIEE/JAM, and 3OP038, Tracking Training in PIEE, provide details on these training capabilities.

d. Level 4 A/OPCs, in coordination with the appropriate subject matter experts, will provide in-person initial GPC training for all new BOs and CHs prior to using the GPC. Each Level 4 A/OPC is responsible for providing training to CHs and BOs utilizing the Army Master Training slides and GPC program location-specific slides. Training methods can be classroom, virtual or electronic.

e. Resource Managers should assist the A/OPC in developing or providing training on funding document maintenance, Anti-Deficiency Act, and the certification and payment process.

f. Small Business Specialists should assist the A/OPC in developing or providing training on FAR 19, Small Business procedures and achieving small business goals.

g. Hazardous Materials Management Process Team should assist the A/OPC in developing or providing training on the procurement, maintenance, and disposal of hazardous materials.

h. GPC training requirements are listed in Tables 4-1 and 4-2. Table 4-1 lists all mandatory training which must be completed prior to issuance of an appointment letter and/or establishment of a GPC account. Table 4-2 lists all recommended training as necessary to carry out GPC duties. Proof of training must be documented and retained by the A/OPC. CHs, BOs, and A/OPCs are required to complete mandated initial and refresher training. U.S. Bank’s Access Online web-based training is optional. The initial in-person GPC training provided by the Level 4 A/OPC will cover training on the use of U.S. Bank’s Access Online system (e.g., initiating and resolving disputes, reconciling and approving statements, certifying invoices, and uploading supporting documentation).

i. Refresher Training. As required in DoD FMR Volume 5, Chapter 5, Paragraph 050304, appointed Certifying Officers must complete an approved Certifying Officer Legislation training course before their appointment and as refresher training annually. All A/OPCs, BOs, and CHs must complete refresher training every two years. The local command may require refresher training more frequently to satisfy their training or operational needs. See DPCAP’s Purchase Cards - Training page for GPC Program One-Pagers, “quick start guides” that address various GPC policies and systems, and other resources.

j. By signing the appointment letter in JAM, CHs and BOs confirm that they have received the initial GPC program training and understand their roles and responsibilities and the penalties associated with misuse of the card.

k. Attendance at the annual GSA SmartPay Conference is mandatory for all Level 3 and 4 A/OPCs, as funding permits. Attendance is mandatory for all Level 3 and 4 A/OPCs if the GSA SmartPay Conference is held virtually.

Table 4-1: Mandatory Training for A/OPCs, Billing Officials and Cardholders

4-2. Recommended Training

CHs, BOs, and A/OPCs are encouraged to take additional training identified in Table 4-2 and DPCAP Purchase Cards - Training.