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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

CC-404 Types of Procurement Management Reviews.

CC-404 Types of Procurement Management Reviews.

(a) The purpose of the CAP is to strengthen internal controls by identifying and resolving organizational weaknesses and deficiencies. The CAP contains data such a s a CAP Summary, CAP with Deficiency Score, Findings, Root Cause, along with the ability to track CAP status updates.

(b) A CAP is required when the contracting activity receives an Overall PMR Risk of Non-Compliance Rating of Medium (Yellow) or High (Red). Depending on the frequency of occurrence, the contracting activity shall take corrective action for findings and deficiencies related to Severity 2 and 3 questions.

CAPs shall be created and implemented by the contracting activity. At a minimum -

The contracting activity reviewed shall submit a CAP within 30 business days of Final PMR Report receipt.

The reviewed activity must complete corrective actions – if any – within the agreed timeframe, inform the PMR Team Lead of corrective actions taken, and request closure of the CAP.

For additional information on the CAP process, please reference the ODASA(P) PMR Guidebook, section 5, and the CAP Informational Guide, located on the PMR SharePoint.