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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

5149.7001 Congressional notification on significant contract terminations.

5149.7001 Congressional notification on significant contract terminations.

(1) The Contracting officer shall send to the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army (Procurement) (ODASA(P)) notifications of significant contract terminations –

(i) As soon as the Contracting officer identifies a potential full or partial termination; and

(ii) Once the Contracting officer has made a final decision to terminate.

(2) The Contracting officer is not authorized to release any termination notice or any information concerning the proposed significant contract termination until the Office of the Chief Legislative Liaison clears the termination notice. The ODASA(P) will coordinate notification with the Office of the Chief Legislative Liaison. ODASA(P) will then notify the Contracting officer whether the action is cleared for termination.

(3) The Contracting officer shall send termination notifications in the format in DFARS PGI 249.7001. Send the unclassified notices through the senior contracting official (SCO) to the address at AFARS 5101.290(b)(2)(ii)(B).

(4) See FAR 3.104-4(f)(1) if the notification discloses any contractor bid or proposal information or source selection information.