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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

2-8. GPC Support Function Duties

2-8. GPC Support Function Duties

a. Resource Manager GPC Support Function Duties.

1) Fund GPC purchases and provide a system of positive funds control.

2) Assist the Level 4 A/OPC in establishing and maintaining BO and CH accounts.

3) Assign default and alternate lines of accounting as appropriate.

4) Ensure obligations are posted prior to invoicing for non-Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) accounts.

5) Assist with resolving accounts that are in a delinquent status and provide payment information when requested.

6) Assist the Level 4 A/OPC with the surveillance of assigned accounts.

7) Monitor General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Defense Enterprise Accounting Management System (DEAMS) daily to identify account payment issues, prevent and resolve GPC payment delinquencies, correct Intermediate Document (IDOC) errors, and provide payment information upon request.

8) Provide guidance and training to installation RMs, BOs, and CHs on GFEBS/DEAMS processes.

9) Provide appropriate funding for the accounts and enter associated lines of accounting into applicable systems.

10) Establish spending limits that are tied directly to funding allocated for each billing and CH account.

b. Organizational PIEE Government Administrator Manager (GAM) GPC Function Duties.

1) Administer Location Codes.

2) Look up group names and GAM information.

3) View and edit user profile information.

4) Activate (add) and deactivate users.

5) Reset user passwords.

6) Reset certificates.

c. Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) Support Function Duties.

1) Provide tax reporting guidance to checkwriters. See Chapter 10-3.

2) Confirm the DD Form 577 for certifying officials.

3) Process EDI transaction sets 821, Obligation Files; and 810, invoice files, and notify the responsible installation or activity when the corresponding files are not received.

4) Notify the installation/activity, within one day, of rejects and interest penalties assessed to individual accounts.

5) Process requests for manual payments, e.g., bank system rejects and non-EDI accounts.

6) Assist in resolving GPC payment issues.

d. Senior Contracting Official (SCO), or equivalent Duties.

1) The SCO or equivalent is responsible for the operation and execution of their GPC Program in compliance with this document and the policies and procedures issued from the ODASA(P).

2) Develop internal management controls to operate, manage, provide oversight, and maintain the integrity of the local GPC Program.

3) Ensure adequate checks and balances are in place to manage local GPC programs.

4) Ensure CHs are not subjected to undue influence in performing their duties and responsibilities.

5) Ensure separation of duties. Individuals designated as A/OPCs will not be simultaneously designated as BOs or CHs. Individuals designated as BOs will not be a CH on the same managing account.

6) Manage span of control appropriately. Primary and alternate A/OPCs will not be responsible for more than 250 GPC accounts. An additional A/OPC must be appointed whenever the combined number of CH and managing accounts exceed the 250:1 ratio. The number of CH accounts assigned to a primary BO will not be more than seven (7:1). Additional BOs must be assigned by the organization whenever the number of CH accounts exceed the 7:1 ratio.

7) Ensure that A/OPCs have the necessary resources to accomplish program oversight.

8) Delegate appointing authority when needed. The HCA may retain the authority to appoint A/OPCs or delegate this authority to the SCO or equivalent. The SCO may further delegate this authority in writing as necessary and ensure all appointments are executed through JAM.

e. Accountable Property Officer (APO) GPC Support Function Duties.

1) Assist the A/OPC in reviewing card accounts to ensure that property accountability procedures are being followed.

2) Ensure property control and accountability procedures are developed and disseminated to all personnel who are entrusted with the acquisition of Army property and equipment.

3) Comply with accountability procedures in Army Regulation (AR) 710-4 and AR 735-5.

4) Record in property systems any sensitive and pilferable property purchased.

5) Determine the accounting requirements for the GPC purchased property, such as nonexpendable or controlled (requires property to be accounted for on property book records), durable (requires control when issued to the user) and expendable (no requirement to account for on property book records).

6) Pre-approve all Army purchase request forms (or similar local forms) for applicable items.

7) Require CH to provide copy of receipt/invoice along with proof of independent receipt/acceptance within 5 days of receipt of accountable item.

8) Determine if an exception applies for the purchase of training, services, or consumable supplies (e.g., office supplies, batteries).

f. Audit Agencies.

1) Auditors are authorized data access to retrieve GPC data within the GPC EAS systems. Specific roles are established in all GPC EAS systems when granted access for a limited amount of time.

2) GPC Auditor should load a scanned copy of the audit letter during the PIEE registration process. Each request must specify the purpose, scope of the review, define the access required, and state the desired access period (start and end dates). Access requests must be approved by the CPM.

3) Assist Army leaders in assessing and mitigating GPC risk by providing solutions through independent internal auditing services.

4) Ensure the ODASA(P) has an opportunity to participate in a proactive audit planning process, which is responsive to GPC management and acquisition needs.