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Change Number: 2024-1231
Effective Date: 12/31/2024

1-8. GPC Delegations of Authority and Appointment Letters

1-8. GPC Delegations of Authority and Appointment Letters

The different types of delegation of authority appointments identified in this section and Table 1-3 are available to CHs as needed. Each authority has unique policies, procedures, training, and oversight requirements. CHs must have the appropriate designation in their JAM appointment in order to use the corresponding purchasing authority. These appointments can only be granted to individuals who have completed training commensurate with their delegated authority.

Table 1-3: GPC Delegation of Authority and Limits

a. Micro-Purchase Cardholder. This authority allows CHs to use the GPC to buy commercially available, fixed-price supplies and services to fulfill mission-essential requirements. The maximum single transaction dollar limit for stand-alone purchases is the MPT as defined at FAR 2.101.

b. Micro-Purchase Convenience Check Writer. This authority allows CHs to use a GPC convenience check to buy commercially available, fixed-price supplies and services to fulfill mission- essential requirements. Since convenience checks expose the Government to greater risk, CHs must make every effort to use a GPC card before writing a check. CHs may only use this authority when use

of the GPC is not possible. All check purchases must be within the applicable convenience check MPT. DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 23 establishes the financial management policy for convenience check accounts.

c. Micro-Purchase Emergency-Type Operations (ETO) CH and/or Check Writer. This authority allows CHs to buy commercially available, fixed-price supplies and services to fulfill mission-essential requirements in direct support of a declared contingency or emergency event. The ETOs currently included in 41 USC 1903 are:

1) Contingency Operations as defined in FAR 2.101;

2) Operations to facilitate the defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack against the United States as addressed in FAR 18.001;

3) Operations in support of a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate the provision of international disaster assistance as addressed in FAR 18.001; and

4) Operations to support response to an emergency or major disaster as defined in Section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 USC 5121


implemented in FAR 26.2).

The group term “ETO” also includes humanitarian or peacekeeping operations (as defined in FAR 2.101). Currently, when supporting humanitarian or peacekeeping operations in accordance with FAR 2.101, the MPT does not increase, regardless of whether the humanitarian or peacekeeping operation is taking place inside or outside the United States; and the SAT can increase to $500,000 upon determination by the HCA that the respective supplies or services directly support the humanitarian or peacekeeping operation. FAR 18.2 addresses Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities (EAFs). It is critical to verify whether increased EAFs have been authorized for the particular ETO being supported. If so, each HCA has the authority to authorize use of EAFs.

d. Warranted Overseas ETO Cardholder. This authority allows CHs to use the GPC in conjunction with their separately issued SF 1402 Certificate of Appointment to purchase supplies and services as prescribed in DFARS 213.301(3). Contracting officers may use this authority to make purchases up to the applicable simplified acquisition threshold in support of declared contingency or emergency events.

e. Contract Ordering Official. This authority allows CHs with the appropriate training to issue fixed- price orders against existing contracts (e.g., GSA FSS, BPAs, FedMall contracts, CHESS contracts) to fulfill mission-essential requirements for supplies and services valued up to the Contract Ordering Official single purchase limit and to use the GPC to pay for these orders/purchases. When using this authority, CHs must 1) ensure they are authorized to place orders by the contract terms and conditions, 2) ensure the order will comply with all the contracts terms and conditions, and 3) follow all applicable ordering procedures. When ordering above the MPT, CH should obtain pricing from small business when small business can meet the requirements. The CH should obtain quotes from at least three sources. If restricting competition to fewer than three sources, the CH should document the circumstances in the purchase file. CHs with this designation will be referred to as “Ordering Officials” throughout this document. The Army Ordering Officer Guide standardizes procedures for selecting, appointing, and terminating ordering officers in accordance with AFARS 5101.602-2-92 and provides guidance for appointed individuals. This guide is to be utilized in conjunction with AFARS Appendix EE.

f. Overseas Simplified Acquisition. This authority allows CHs to make authorized GPC purchases up to a single purchase limit of $25,000 when the CH is outside the U.S. for items/services to be used outside the U.S., and that comply with the requirements of DFARS 213.301(2). When ordering above the MPT, the CH should obtain quotes from at least three sources. If restricting consideration to fewer than three, document the circumstances in the purchase file.

g. Contract Payment Official. This authority allows CHs to use the GPC to make payments against contracts that have been signed by a Contracting Officer when the GPC is named as the payment method. The GPC may provide a streamlined way of paying for contracts when a contracting officer determines the use of the GPC is in the best interest of the Government (AFARS 5113.202-90(d)).

h. Miscellaneous Payments Official (SF 182 Training Payments). This authority allows CHs to make payments for commercial training requests using the SF 182, valued at or below $25,000 in accordance with the procedures to directly pay the provider in DoD FMR Volume 10, Chapter 12, Section 120323, and DoDI 1400.25, Volume 410a. The SF 182 or equivalent must be completed prior to the training. When provided by a non-Government source, the training must consist of a regularly scheduled, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) course, training conference, or instructional service that is available to the public and priced the same for everyone in the same category, e.g., price per student, course, program, service, or training space.

i. Inter/Intra-Governmental Payment Official. This authority allows CHs to make payments to another Federal Government entity in lieu of using a MIPR or Inter-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) in accordance with the DoD FMR. This authority includes, but is not limited to, payments to DLA Document Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-offered training, GSA Global Supply, Commissary, and FedMall GPC requisitioning. (Purchases from State and Local governments are considered traditional open-market micro-purchases and therefore are covered by the applicable authority listed above.) Special requirements for this authority include the following:

1) The not-to-exceed value is dictated by TFM Volume 1, Part 5, Chapter 7000, Section 7055.20.

2) Federal Government entities must limit their credit card collections so that individual transactions are no more than $10,000, which is the daily GPC credit limit for third-party purchases. The Treasury encourages use of IPAC for payments between Federal Agencies, debit cards, Automated Clearing House (ACH) debits/credits, and Fedwire transactions.

3) Card acceptance policies can be found in TFM Volume I, Part 5, Chapter 7000, which addresses limitations on credit card transactions.

4) IGTs exceeding $10,000 must be made with an alternative payment method (e.g., IPAC for payments between Federal Agencies, debit cards, ACH debits/credits, and Fedwire transactions).