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Change Number: Change 183 GSAR Case 2022-G517
Effective Date: 07/08/2024

501.672 Acquisition Certification Programs.

501.672 Acquisition Certification Programs.

(a) All GSA employees are required to obtain and maintain Federal Acquisition Certifications (FAC) and GSA-Specific Acquisition Certifications as determined by the business needs of their organization with emphasis upon the type of work they will perform. To obtain and maintain such certifications, GSA employees shall comply with the certification and training requirements established by the OMB, OFPP, FAI and GSA. Information about the certification and training requirements is available at and GSA's Acquisition Portal at

(b) GSA-Specific Acquisition Certification Programs. The SPE has established agency-specific certification programs as specializations for Acquisition Workforce (AWF) members who perform under acquisition and contracting authorities that are unique to GSA. The AWF member shall obtain such credentials and complete specialty training relevant to the needs of their current job assignment, and will engage in relevant continuous learning to maintain the certification pursuant to the requirements of the program.

(1) GSA Fleet Acquisition Certification Program (Fleet-C). GSA Fleet Acquisition employees working in the Accident Management Center (AMC) and Maintenance Control Center (MCC), when required by business and operational need and regardless of series will be required to obtain and maintain the Fleet-C certification, pursuant to GSA policy and guidance.

(i) The Fleet-C, in good standing, shall be required for warrant eligibility of Fleet personnel.

(ii) All Fleet Acquisition COs with warrants issued prior to October 1, 2015 shall be excepted from the education requirement for this certification program. Training and experience requirements shall not be excepted.

(2) GSA Real Property Leasing Certification Program (LCP). GSA Leasing, Outleasing, and Site Acquisition Contracting Officers regardless of series, are required to obtain and maintain this certification, pursuant to GSA policy and guidance.

(i) This certification shall be required for warrant eligibility for Leasing, Outleasing, and Site Acquisition professionals.

(ii) All Leasing, Outleasing, and Site Acquisition COs with warrants issued prior to October 1, 2015 shall be excepted from the education requirement for this certification program. Training and experience requirements shall not be excepted.

(3) GSA Personal Property Disposal-Fleet Sales Certification Program (PPFS-C). GSA Personal Property Disposal and/or Fleet Sales employees when required by business and operational need and regardless of series, are required to obtain and maintain the PPFS-C certification, pursuant to the policy and guidance.

(i) The PPFS-C shall be required for warrant eligibility by all personal property disposal and fleet sales personnel.

(ii) All Personal Property Disposal-Fleet Sales COs (SCOs) with warrants issued prior to October 1, 2015 shall be excepted from the education requirement for this certification program. Training and experience requirements shall not be excepted.

(4) GSA Real Property Disposal Certification Program (RPD-C). GSA Real Property Disposal Contracting Officers (Disposal COs), regardless of series, are required to obtain and maintain this certification, pursuant to GSA policy and guidance.

(i) The RPD-C shall be required for warrant eligibility for real property disposal personnel.

(ii) All Disposal COs with warrants issued prior to October 1, 2015 shall be excepted from the education requirement for this certification program. Training and experience requirements shall not be excepted.

(c) Surrender. If an AWF member wishes to surrender their FAC or agency-specific certification, their ACM POC must submit the request to AWD stating that the employee has:

(1) Attained approval for the termination from their supervisor,

(2) Confirmed that the certification is no longer needed within the next two fiscal years,

(3) Understood that, in order to obtain a new certification after the surrender, they will be required to complete the certification requirements in effect at that time, and

(4) Agreed that any warrant associated with their FAC-C or agency-specific certification will be terminated.

(d) Waivers. The SPE may waive the requirements for a certification program. Waivers will only be considered in compelling and well documented circumstances. This authority is non-delegable. Waivers are not transferable to other agencies. Waiver requests shall be submitted by the ACM POC for the requesting organization to the OGP Acquisition Workforce Division for review and routing to the SPE.

(e) Reciprocity of Certification Programs. Pursuant to the policies and guidance established by GSA, the applicant shall present evidence of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) or FAC certification for consideration to obtain a FAC or agency-specific certification through reciprocity.

(1) Reciprocity with DOD Certification Programs. GSA may recognize DAWIA certifications (Public Law 101-510) issued by DOD activities.

(2) Reciprocity with FAC Programs.

(i) FAC-C to FAC-COR. Individuals certified as FAC-C are considered to have met FAC-COR requirements per OMB Memo "Revisions to the FAC-COR" dated September 6, 2011 (see Individuals certified as FAC-C at Level I or higher are considered to have met the FAC-COR requirements for Level II or higher.

(ii) FAC-P/PM to FAC-COR. Individuals certified as FAC-P/PM are considered to have met FAC-COR requirements per OMB Memo "Revisions to the FAC-COR" dated September 6, 2011 (see Individuals certified as FAC-P/PM Level II or higher are considered to have met the FAC-COR requirements for that same level.