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Part Number: 1519

Environmental Protection Agency Acquisition Regulation

Subpart 1519.5 - Set-Asides for Small Business

1519.501 Review of acquisitions.

(a) If no Small Business Administration (SBA) representative is available, the Small Business Specialist (SBS) shall initiate recommendations to the contracting officer for small business set-asides with respect to individual acquisitions or classes of acquisitions or portions thereof.

(b) When the SBS has recommended that all, or a portion, of an individual acquisition or class of acquisitions be set aside for small business, the contracting officer shall:

(1) Promptly concur in the recommendation; or

(2) Promptly disapprove the recommendation, stating in writing the reasons for disapproval. If the contracting officer disapproves the recommendation of the SBS, the SBS may appeal to the appropriate appointing authority, whose decision shall be final.

1519.503 Class set-aside for construction.

(a) Each proposed acquisition for construction estimated to cost between $10,000 and $1,000,000 shall be set-aside for exclusive small business participation. Such set-asides shall be considered to be unilateral small business set-asides, and shall be withdrawn in accordance with the procedure of FAR 19.506 only if found not to serve the best interest of the Government.

(b) Small business set-aside preferences for construction acquisitions in excess of $1,000,000 shall be considered on a case-by-case basis.