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Part Number: 915

Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation

915.404-4860 Fee base.

915.404-4860 Fee base.

(a) The fee base shown in the Construction Contracts Schedule and Construction Management Contracts Schedule represents that estimate of cost to which a percentage factor is applied to determine maximum fee allowances. The fee base is the estimated necessary allowable cost of the construction work or other services which are to be performed. It shall include the estimated cost for, but is not limited to, the following as they may apply in the case of a construction or construction management contract:

(1) Site preparation and utilities.

(2) Construction (labor-materials-supplies) of buildings and auxiliary facilities.

(3) Construction (labor-materials-supplies) to complete/construct temporary buildings.

(4) Design services to support the foregoing.

(5) General management and job planning cost.

(6) Labor supervision.

(7) Procurement and acquisition administration.

(8) Construction performed by subcontractors.

(9) Installation of government furnished or contractor acquired special equipment and other equipment.

(10) Equipment (other than special equipment) which is to become Government property (including a component of Government property).

(b) The fee base for the basic fee determination for a construction contract and construction management contract shall include all necessary and allowable costs cited in paragraph (a) of this section as appropriate to the type of contract; except, any home office G&A expense paid as a contract cost per cost principle guidance and procedures shall be excluded from the fee base. The fee base shall exclude:

(1) Cost of land.

(2) Cost of engineering (A&E work).

(3) Contingency estimate.

(4) Equipment rentals or use charges.

(5) Cost of government furnished equipment or materials.

(6) Special equipment.

(c) A separate fee base shall be established for special equipment for use in applying the Special Equipment Purchases or Subcontract Work Schedule (see 915.404-4850(h)). The fee base for determination of applicable fees on special equipment shall be based on the estimated purchase price of the equipment.

(d) The fee base under the Construction Management Contracts Schedule for a maximum basic fee determination for a construction management contract shall be comprised of only the costs of the construction manager's own efforts. However, it is recognized that in the case of construction management contracts, the actual construction work will be performed by subcontractors. In most cases the subcontract awards for the construction work will be made by the construction management contractor. Occasionally the contract may involve management of construction performed under a contract awarded by the Department or by one of the Department's operating contractors. In these cases, the actual cost of the subcontracted construction work shall be excluded from the fee base used to determine the maximum basic fee (under the Construction Management Contracts Schedule) applicable to a construction management contract. A separate fee base for additional allowances (using the Special Equipment Purchases or Subcontract Work Schedule) shall be established, which shall be comprised of those subcontract construction costs, special equipment purchases, and other items' costs that are contracted for or purchased by the construction manager.