Authority: 42 U.S.C. 7101 and 50 U.S.C. 2401
Source: 50 FR 12183, Mar. 27, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
Subpart 906.1—Full and Open Competition
906.102 Use of competitive procedures.
Subpart 906.2—Full and Open Competition After Exclusion of Sources
906.202 Establishing or maintaining alternative sources.
Subpart 906.3—Other Than Full and Open Competition
906.304 Approval of the justification.
Subpart 906.1—Full and Open Competition
906.102 Use of competitive procedures.
(d) Other competitive procedures.
(1) Professional architect-engineer services shall be negotiated in accordance with subpart 936.6 and 48 CFR subpart 36.6.
(4) Program research and development announcements shall follow the competitive selection procedures for the award of research proposals in accordance with subpart 917.73 and 48 CFR part 35.
(5) Program opportunity notices for commercial demonstrations shall follow the competitive selection procedures for award of these proposals in accordance with subpart 917.72.
Subpart 906.2—Full and Open Competition After Exclusion of Sources
906.202 Establishing or maintaining alternative sources.
(1) Every proposed contract action under the authority of 48 CFR 6.202(a) shall be supported by a determination and finding (D&F) signed by the Senior Procurement Executive.
Subpart 906.3—Other Than Full and Open Competition
906.304 Approval of the justification.
(c) Class justifications within the delegated authority of a Head of the Contracting Activity may be approved for:
(1) Contracts for electric power or energy, gas (natural or manufactured), water, or other utility services when such services are available from only one source;
(2) Contracts under the authority cited in 48 CFR 6.302-4 or 6.302-5; or
(3) Contracts for educational services from nonprofit institutions. Class justifications for classes of actions that may exceed $10,000,000 require the approval of the Senior Procurement Executive.
Subpart 906.5—Competition Advocates
906.501 Requirement.
The Secretary of Energy and NNSA Administrator have delegated the authority for appointment of the agency and contracting activity competition advocates to the respective DOE and NNSA Senior Procurement Executives. The Senior Procurement Executives have redelegated authority to the Head of the Contracting Activity to appoint contracting activity competition advocates.