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Part Number: 909

Department of Energy Acquisition Regulation

909.507-2 Contract clause.

909.507-2 Contract clause.


(1) The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 952.209-72, Organizational Conflicts of Interest, in each solicitation and contract for advisory and assistance services expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold.

(2) Contracting officers may make appropriate modifications where necessary to address the potential for organizational conflicts of interest in individual contracts. Contracting officers shall determine the appropriate term of the bar of paragraph (b)(1)

(i) of the clause at 952.209-72 and enter that term in the blank provided. In the usual case of a contract for advisory and assistance services a period of three, four, or five years is appropriate; however, in individual cases the contracting officer may insert a term of greater or lesser duration.

(3) The contracting officer shall include Alternate I with the clause in instances in which a meaningful amount of subcontracting for advisory and assistance services is expected.

(b) Contracts, which are not subject to part 970 but provide for the operation of a DOE site or facility or environmental remediation of a specific DOE site or sites, shall contain the organizational conflict of interest clause at 952.209-72. The organizational conflicts of interest clause in such contracts shall include Alternate I to that clause.