Subchapter D - SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Defense Federal Acquisition RegulationDefense Federal Acquisition RegulationPart 219 - SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMSSubpart 219.0 - ReservedSubpart 219.2 - POLICIES219.201 General policy.219.202 Specific policies.219.202-1 Encouraging small business participation in acquisitions.219.270 Religious-related services-inclusion of nonprofit organizations.219.270-1 Definition.219.270-2 Procedures.219.270-3 Solicitation provision.Subpart 219.3 - DETERMINATION OF SMALL BUSINESS STATUS FOR219.301 RESERVED219.301-2 Rerepresentation by a contractor that represented itself as a small business concern.219.301-3 Rerepresentation by a contractor that represented itself as other than a small business concern.219.309 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 219.4 - COOPERATION WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION219.401 General.219.402 Small Business Administration procurement center representatives.Subpart 219.5 - SMALL BUSINESS TOTALSET-ASIDES, PARTIAL SET-ASIDES, AND RESERVES219.502 RESERVED219.502-1 Requirements for setting aside acquisitions.219.502-2 Total Small business set-asides.219.502-8 Rejecting Small Business Administration recommendations.Subpart 219.6 - CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY AND DETERMINATIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY219.602 Procedures.Subpart 219.7 - THE SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PROGRAM219.702 RESERVED219.702-70 Statutory requirements for the Test Program for Negotiation of Comprehensive Small Business Subcontracting Plans.219.703 Eligibility requirements for participating in the program.219.704 Subcontracting plan requirements.219.705 Responsibilities of the contracting officer under the subcontracting assistance program.219.705-4 Reviewing the subcontracting plan.219.705-6 Postaward responsibilities of the contracting officer.219.706 Responsibilities of the cognizant administrative contracting officer.219.708 Contract clauses.Subpart 219.8 - CONTRACTING WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (THE 8(A) PROGRAM)219.800 General.219.803 Selecting acquisitions for the 8(a) Program.219.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance.219.804-1 Agency evaluation.219.805 Competitive 8(a).219.805-1 General.219.805-2 Procedures.219.806 Pricing the 8(a) contract.219.808 Contract negotiation.219.808-1 Sole source.219.811 Preparing the contracts.219.811-3 Contract clauses.Subpart 219.10 - ReservedSubpart 219.11 - ReservedSubpart 219.12 - ReservedSubpart 219.13 - HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESS ZONE (HUBZONE) PROGRAM219.1307 Price evaluation preference for HUBZone small business concerns.Subpart 219.70 - RESERVEDSubpart 219.71 - PILOT MENTOR-PROTEGE PROGRAM219.7100 Scope.219.7101 Policy.219.7102 General.219.7103 Procedures.219.7103-1 General.219.7103-2 Contracting officer responsibilities.219.7104 Developmental assistance costs eligible for reimbursement or credit.219.7105 Reporting.219.7106 Performance reviews.Subpart 219.72 - (REMOVED)Part 220 - RESERVEDPart 221 - RESERVEDPart 222 - APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONS222.001 Definitions.Subpart 222.1 - BASIC LABOR POLICIES222.101 Labor relations.222.101-1 General.222.101-3 Reporting labor disputes.222.101-3-70 Impact of labor disputes on defense programs.222.101-4 Removal of items from contractors' facilities affected by work stoppages.222.101-70 Acquisition of stevedoring services during labor disputes.222.102 Federal and State labor requirements.222.102-1 Policy.222.103 Overtime.222.103-4 Approvals.Subpart 222.3 - CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS222.302 Liquidated damages and overtime pay.Subpart 222.4 - LABOR STANDARDS FOR CONTRACTS INVOLVING CONSTRUCTION222.402 Applicability.222.402-70 Installation support contracts.222.403 Statutory, Executive order, and regulatory requirements.222.403-470 Department of Labor regulations.222.404 Construction Wage Rate Requirements statute wage determinations.222.404-2 General requirements.222.406 Administration and enforcement.222.406-1 Policy.222.406-6 Payrolls and statements.222.406-8 Investigations.222.406-9 Withholding from or suspension of contract payments.222.406-10 Disposition of disputes concerning construction contract labor standards enforcement.222.406-13 Semiannual enforcement reports.Subpart 222.6 - CONTRACTS FOR MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, ARTICLES, AND EQUIPMENT222.604 Exemptions.222.604-2 Regulatory exemptions.Subpart 222.8 - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY222.806 Inquires.222.807 Exemptions.Subpart 222.10 - SERVICE CONTRACT LABOR STANDARDS222.1003 Applicability.222.1003-1 General.222.1008 Procedures for obtaining wage determinations.222.1008-1 Obtaining wage determinations.Subpart 222.13 - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR VETERANS222.1305 Waivers.222.1308 Complaint procedures.222.1310 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 222.14 - EMPLOYMENT OF WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES222.1403 Waivers.222.1406 Complaint procedures.Subpart 222.17 - COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS222.1703 Policy.222.1704 Violations and remedies.222.1770 Procedures.Subpart 222.70 - RESTRICTIONS ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL FOR WORK ON CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE CONTRACTS IN NONCONTIGUOUS STATES222.7000 Scope of subpart.222.7001 Definition.222.7002 General.222.7003 Waivers.222.7004 Contract clause.Subpart 222.71 - RESERVEDSubpart 222.72 - COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR LAWS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS222.7201 Contract clauses.Subpart 222.73 - LIMITATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTS PERFORMED ON GUAM222.7300 Scope of subpart.222.7301 Prohibition on use of nonimmigrant aliens.222.7302 Contract clause.Subpart 222.74 - RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF MANDATORYARBITRATION AGREEMENTS222.7400 Scope of subpart.222.7401 Definition.222.7402 Policy.222.7403 Applicability.222.7404 Waiver.222.7405 Contract clause.Part 223 - ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION, AND MATERIAL SAFETYSubpart 223.1 - SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES223.107 Reserved.223.107-1 Products containing recovered materials.223.107-4 Products that contain, use, or are manufactured with ozone-depleting substances or products that contain or use high global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons.Subpart 223.2 - ENERGY AND WATER EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGYSubpart 223.3 - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA, AND NOTICE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS223.302 Hazardous material identification and notice of material safety data.223.304 Contract clause.223.370 Safety precautions for ammunition and explosives.223.370-1 Scope.223.370-2 Definition.223.370-3 Policy.223.370-4 Procedures.223.370-5 Contract clauses.Subpart 223.4 - ReservedSubpart 223.5 - ReservedSubpart 223.7 - CONTRACTING FOR ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE PRODUCTS AND SERVICESSubpart 223.70 - RESERVEDSubpart 223.71 - STORAGE, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS223.7101 Definitions.223.7102 Policy.223.7103 Procedures.223.7104 Exceptions.223.7105 Reimbursement.223.7106 Contract clause.Subpart 223.72 - SAFEGUARDING SENSITIVE CONVENTIONAL ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES223.7200 Definition.223.7201 Policy.223.7202 Preaward responsibilities.223.7203 Contract clause.Subpart 223.73 - MINIMIZING THE USE OF MATERIALS CONTAINING HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM223.7300 Definition.223.7301 Policy.223.7302 Reserved.223.7303 Prohibition.223.7304 Exceptions.223.7305 Authorization and approval.223.7306 Contract clause.Subpart 223.74 - PROHIBITION ON PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL OR POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES223.7400 Scope of subpart.223.7401 Definition.223.7402 Prohibition.223.7403 Procedures.223.7404 Contract clause.Part 224 - PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONSubpart 224.1 - PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY224.103 Procedures.Subpart 224.2 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT224.203 Policy.Part 225 - FOREIGN ACQUISITION225.001 General.225.003 Definitions.225.070 Reporting of acquisition of end products manufactured outside the United States.Subpart 225.1 - BUY AMERICAN—SUPPLIES225.101 General.225.103 Exceptions.225.106 Determining reasonableness of cost.225.170 Acquisition from or through other Government agencies.Subpart 225.2 - BUY AMERICAN—CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS225.202 Exceptions.225.206 Noncompliance.225.270 Energy savings service contracts.Subpart 225.3 - CONTRACTS PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES225.301 Contractor personnel in a designated operational area or supporting a diplomatic or consular mission outside the United States.225.301-1 Scope.225.301-4 Contract clause.225.302 Contractors performing private security functions outside the United States.225.302-6 Contract clause.225.370 Contracts requiring performance or delivery in a foreign country.225.371 Contractor personnel supporting U.S. Armed Forces deployed outside the United States.225.371-1 Scope.225.371-2 Definition.225.371-3 Government support.225.371-4 Law of war training.225.371-5 Contract clauses.225.372 Antiterrorism/force protection.225.372-1 General.225.372-2 Contract clause.225.373 Contract administration in support of contingency operations.225.374 Use of electronic business tools.Subpart 225.4 - TRADE AGREEMENTS225.401 Exceptions.225.401-70 End products subject to trade agreements.225.401-71 Products or services in support of operations in Afghanistan.225.402 General.225.403 World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and Free Trade Agreements.225.408 Procedures.Subpart 225.5 - EVALUATING FOREIGN OFFERS—SUPPLY CONTRACTS225.502 Application.225.503 Group offers.225.504 Evaluation examples.Subpart 225.6 - ReservedSubpart 225.7 - PROHIBITED SOURCES225.701 Restrictions administered by the Department of the Treasury on acquisitions of supplies or services from prohibited sources.225.701-70 Exception.225.770 Prohibition on acquisition of certain items from Communist Chinese military companies.225.770-1 Definitions.225.770-2 Prohibition.225.770-3 Exceptions.225.770-4 Identifying items covered by the USML or the 600 series of the CCL.225.770-5 Waiver of prohibition.225.771 Prohibition on contracting or subcontracting with a firm that is owned or controlled by the government of a country that is a state sponsor of terrorism.225.771-0 Scope.225.771-1 Definition.225.771-2 Prohibition.225.771-3 Notification.225.771-4 Waiver of prohibition.225.771-5 Solicitation provision.225.772 Prohibition on acquisition of certain foreign commercial satellite services.225.772-0 Scope.225.772-1 Definitions.225.772-2 Prohibitions.225.772-3 Procedures.225.772-4 Exception.225.772-5 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 225.8 - OTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND COORDINATION225.802 Procedures.225.802-70 Contracts for performance outside the United States and Canada.225.802-71 End use certificates.225.870 Contracting with Canadian contractors.225.870-1 General.225.870-2 Solicitation of Canadian contractors.225.870-3 Submission of offers.225.870-4 Contracting procedures.225.870-5 Contract administration.225.870-6 Termination procedures.225.870-7 Acceptance of Canadian supplies.225.870-8 Industrial security.225.871 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) cooperative projects.225.871-1 Scope.225.871-2 Definitions.225.871-3 General.225.871-4 Statutory waivers.225.871-5 Directed subcontracting.225.871-6 Disposal of property.225.871-7 Congressional notification.225.872 Contracting with qualifying country sources.225.872-1 General.225.872-2 Applicability.225.872-3 Solicitation procedures.225.872-4 Individual determinations.225.872-5 Contract administration.225.872-6 Request for audit services.225.872-7 Industrial security for qualifying countries.225.872-8 Subcontracting with qualifying country sources.225.873 Waiver of United Kingdom commercial exploitation levies.225.873-1 Policy.225.873-2 Procedures.Subpart 225.9 - CUSTOMS AND DUTIES225.900 RESERVED225.900-70 Definition.225.901 Policy.225.902 Procedures.225.903 Exempted supplies.Subpart 225.10 - ADDITIONAL FOREIGN ACQUISITION REGULATIONS225.1070 Clause deviations in overseas contracts.Subpart 225.11 - SOLICITATION PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT CLAUSES225.1100 Scope of subpart.225.1101 Acquisition of supplies.225.1103 Other provisions and clauses.Subpart 225.70 - AUTHORIZATION ACTS, APPROPRIATIONS ACTS, AND OTHER STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS ON FOREIGN ACQUISITION225.7000 Scope of subpart.225.7001 Definitions.225.7002 Restrictions on food, clothing, fabrics, hand or measuring tools, and flags.225.7002-1 Restrictions.225.7002-2 Exceptions.225.7002-3 Contract clauses.225.7003 Restrictions on acquisition of specialty metals.225.7003-1 Definitions.225.7003-2 Restrictions.225.7003-3 Exceptions.225.7003-4 Reserved.225.7003-5 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.225.7004 Restrictions on the procurement of goods other than U.S. goods.225.7004-0 Scope.225.7004-1 Definitions.225.7004-2 Restrictions.225.7004-3 Exceptions.225.7004-4 Implementation of restriction on certain naval vessel components.225.7004-5 Additional restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.225.7004-6 Waiver of restrictions.225.7004-7 Contract clauses.225.7005 Reserved.225.7006 Reserved.225.7007 Reserved.225.7008 Reserved.225.7009 Restriction on ball and roller bearings.225.7009-1 Scope.225.7009-2 Restriction.225.7009-3 Exception.225.7009-4 Waiver.225.7009-5 Contract clause.225.7010 Reserved.225.7011 Restriction on carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.225.7011-1 Restriction.225.7011-2 Waiver.225.7011-3 Contract clause.225.7012 Restriction on supercomputers.225.7012-1 Restriction.225.7012-2 Waiver.225.7012-3 Contract clause.225.7013 Restrictions on construction or repair of vessels in foreign shipyards.225.7013-0 Scope.225.7013-1 Definitions.225.7013-2 Restrictions.225.7014 Restrictions on military construction.225.7015 Restriction on overseas architect-engineer services.225.7017 Utilization of domestic photovoltaic devices.225.7017-1 Definitions As used in this section—225.7017-2 Restriction.225.7017-3 Exceptions.225.7017-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7018 Restriction on acquisition of certain magnets, tantalum, and tungsten.225.7018-0 Scope.225.7018-1 Definitions.225.7018-2 Restriction.225.7018-3 Exceptions.225.7018-4 Nonavailability determination.225.7018-5 Contract clause.225.7019 Prohibition on use of certain energy sourced from inside the Russian Federation.225.7019-1 Definitions.225.7019-2 Prohibition.225.7019-3 Waiver.225.7019-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7020 Prohibition on contracting with the Maduro regime.225.7020-1 Definitions.225.7020-2 Prohibition.225.7020-3 Exceptions.225.7020-4 Joint determination.225.7020-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7021 Disclosure requirements for employment transparency regarding individuals who perform work in the People’s Republic of China.225.7021-1 Definitions.225.7021-2 Restrictions.225.7021-3 National security waiver of disclosure.225.7021-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7022 Prohibition on certain procurements from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.225.7022-1 Scope.225.7022-2 Definitions.225.7022-3 Prohibition.225.7022-4 Exceptions.225.7022-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7023 Restriction on acquisition of personal protective equipment and certain other items from non-allied foreign nations.225.7023-1 Definitions.225.7023-2 Restriction.225.7023-3 Exceptions.225.7023-4 Contract clause.225.7024 Restriction on acquisition of fuel for overseas contingency operations.225.7024-1 Scope.225.7024-2 Prohibition.225.7024-3 Procedures.225.7024-4 Solicitation provision.Subpart 225.71 - OTHER RESTRICTIONS ON FOREIGN ACQUISITION225.7100 Scope of subpart.225.7101 Definitions.225.7102 Forgings.225.7102-1 Policy.225.7102-2 Exceptions.225.7102-3 Waiver.225.7102-4 Contract clause.Subpart 225.72 - REPORTING CONTRACT PERFORMANCE OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES225.7201 Policy.225.7202 Exception.225.7203 Contracting officer distribution of reports.225.7204 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 225.73 - ACQUISITIONS FOR FOREIGN MILITARY SALES225.7300 Scope of subpart.225.7301 General.225.7301-1 Reserved.225.7301-2 Solicitation approval for sole source contracts.225.7302 Preparation of letter of offer and acceptance.225.7303 Pricing acquisitions for FMS.225.7303-1 Contractor sales to other foreign customers.225.7303-2 Cost of doing business with a foreign government or an international organization.225.7303-3 Government-to-government agreements.225.7303-4 Contingent fees.225.7303-5 Acquisitions wholly paid for from nonrepayable funds.225.7304 FMS customer involvement.225.7305 Limitation of liability.225.7306 Offset arrangements.225.7307 Contract clauses.Subpart 225.74 - ReservedSubpart 225.75 - BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM225.7500 Scope of subpart.225.7501 Policy.225.7502 Procedures.225.7503 Contract clauses.Subpart 225.76 - SECONDARY ARAB BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL225.7601 Restriction.225.7602 Procedures.225.7603 Exceptions.225.7604 Waivers.225.7605 Solicitation provision.Subpart 225.77 - ACQUISITIONS IN SUPPORT OF OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN225.7700 Scope.225.7701 Definitions.225.7702 Acquisitions not subject to the enhanced authority to acquire products or services from Afghanistan.225.7702-1 Acquisition of small arms.225.7702-2 Acquisition of uniform components for the Afghan military or the Afghan police.225.7703 Enhanced authority to acquire products or services from Afghanistan.225.7703-1 Acquisition procedures.225.7703-2 Determination requirements.225.7703-3 Evaluating offers.225.7703-4 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.225.7704 Acquisitions of products and services from South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state in support of operations in Afghanistan.225.7704-1 Applicability of trade agreements.225.7704-2 Applicability of Balance of Payments Program.225.7704-3 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.225.7705 Prohibition on use of funds for contracts of certain programs and projects in Afghanistan that cannot be safely accessed.225.7705-1 Prohibition.225.7705-2 Waiver of prohibition.225.7705-3 Procedures.225.7798 Enhanced authority to acquire products or services of Djibouti in support of DoD operations in Djibouti.225.7799 Authority to acquire products and services (including construction) from Afghanistan or from countries along a major route of supply to Afghanistan.Subpart 225.78 - ACQUISITIONS IN SUPPORT OF GEOGRAPHIC COMBATANT COMMANDS THEATER SECURITY COOPERATION EFFORTS225.7801 Policy.Subpart 225.79 - EXPORT CONTROL225.7900 Scope of subpart.225.7901 Export-controlled items.225.7901-1 Definitions.225.7901-2 General.225.7901-3 Policy.225.7901-4 Contract clause.225.7902 Defense Trade Cooperation Treaties.225.7902-1 Definitions.225.7902-2 Purpose.225.7902-3 Policy.225.7902-4 Procedures.225.7902-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.Part 226 - OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMSSubpart 226.1 - INDIAN INCENTIVE PROGRAM226.103 Procedures.226.104 Contract clause.Subpart 226.3 - ReservedSubpart 226.5 - DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE226.570 Drug-free work force.226.570-1 Policy.226.570-2 Contract clause.Subpart 226.70 - RESERVEDSubpart 226.71 - PREFERENCE FOR LOCAL AND SMALL BUSINESSES226.7100 Scope of subpart.226.7101 Definition.226.7102 Policy.226.7103 Procedure.226.7104 Other considerations.Subpart 226.72 - DEMONSTRATIONPROJECT FOR CONTRACTORS EMPLOYING PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES226.7200 Scope of subpart.226.7201 Definitions.226.7202 Policy and procedures.226.7203 Solicitation provision.
Subchapter D - SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Defense Federal Acquisition RegulationDefense Federal Acquisition RegulationPart 219 - SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMSSubpart 219.0 - ReservedSubpart 219.2 - POLICIES219.201 General policy.219.202 Specific policies.219.202-1 Encouraging small business participation in acquisitions.219.270 Religious-related services-inclusion of nonprofit organizations.219.270-1 Definition.219.270-2 Procedures.219.270-3 Solicitation provision.Subpart 219.3 - DETERMINATION OF SMALL BUSINESS STATUS FOR219.301 RESERVED219.301-2 Rerepresentation by a contractor that represented itself as a small business concern.219.301-3 Rerepresentation by a contractor that represented itself as other than a small business concern.219.309 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 219.4 - COOPERATION WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION219.401 General.219.402 Small Business Administration procurement center representatives.Subpart 219.5 - SMALL BUSINESS TOTALSET-ASIDES, PARTIAL SET-ASIDES, AND RESERVES219.502 RESERVED219.502-1 Requirements for setting aside acquisitions.219.502-2 Total Small business set-asides.219.502-8 Rejecting Small Business Administration recommendations.Subpart 219.6 - CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY AND DETERMINATIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY219.602 Procedures.Subpart 219.7 - THE SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PROGRAM219.702 RESERVED219.702-70 Statutory requirements for the Test Program for Negotiation of Comprehensive Small Business Subcontracting Plans.219.703 Eligibility requirements for participating in the program.219.704 Subcontracting plan requirements.219.705 Responsibilities of the contracting officer under the subcontracting assistance program.219.705-4 Reviewing the subcontracting plan.219.705-6 Postaward responsibilities of the contracting officer.219.706 Responsibilities of the cognizant administrative contracting officer.219.708 Contract clauses.Subpart 219.8 - CONTRACTING WITH THE SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (THE 8(A) PROGRAM)219.800 General.219.803 Selecting acquisitions for the 8(a) Program.219.804 Evaluation, offering, and acceptance.219.804-1 Agency evaluation.219.805 Competitive 8(a).219.805-1 General.219.805-2 Procedures.219.806 Pricing the 8(a) contract.219.808 Contract negotiation.219.808-1 Sole source.219.811 Preparing the contracts.219.811-3 Contract clauses.Subpart 219.10 - ReservedSubpart 219.11 - ReservedSubpart 219.12 - ReservedSubpart 219.13 - HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESS ZONE (HUBZONE) PROGRAM219.1307 Price evaluation preference for HUBZone small business concerns.Subpart 219.70 - RESERVEDSubpart 219.71 - PILOT MENTOR-PROTEGE PROGRAM219.7100 Scope.219.7101 Policy.219.7102 General.219.7103 Procedures.219.7103-1 General.219.7103-2 Contracting officer responsibilities.219.7104 Developmental assistance costs eligible for reimbursement or credit.219.7105 Reporting.219.7106 Performance reviews.Subpart 219.72 - (REMOVED)Part 220 - RESERVEDPart 221 - RESERVEDPart 222 - APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONS222.001 Definitions.Subpart 222.1 - BASIC LABOR POLICIES222.101 Labor relations.222.101-1 General.222.101-3 Reporting labor disputes.222.101-3-70 Impact of labor disputes on defense programs.222.101-4 Removal of items from contractors' facilities affected by work stoppages.222.101-70 Acquisition of stevedoring services during labor disputes.222.102 Federal and State labor requirements.222.102-1 Policy.222.103 Overtime.222.103-4 Approvals.Subpart 222.3 - CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS222.302 Liquidated damages and overtime pay.Subpart 222.4 - LABOR STANDARDS FOR CONTRACTS INVOLVING CONSTRUCTION222.402 Applicability.222.402-70 Installation support contracts.222.403 Statutory, Executive order, and regulatory requirements.222.403-470 Department of Labor regulations.222.404 Construction Wage Rate Requirements statute wage determinations.222.404-2 General requirements.222.406 Administration and enforcement.222.406-1 Policy.222.406-6 Payrolls and statements.222.406-8 Investigations.222.406-9 Withholding from or suspension of contract payments.222.406-10 Disposition of disputes concerning construction contract labor standards enforcement.222.406-13 Semiannual enforcement reports.Subpart 222.6 - CONTRACTS FOR MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, ARTICLES, AND EQUIPMENT222.604 Exemptions.222.604-2 Regulatory exemptions.Subpart 222.8 - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY222.806 Inquires.222.807 Exemptions.Subpart 222.10 - SERVICE CONTRACT LABOR STANDARDS222.1003 Applicability.222.1003-1 General.222.1008 Procedures for obtaining wage determinations.222.1008-1 Obtaining wage determinations.Subpart 222.13 - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR VETERANS222.1305 Waivers.222.1308 Complaint procedures.222.1310 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 222.14 - EMPLOYMENT OF WORKERS WITH DISABILITIES222.1403 Waivers.222.1406 Complaint procedures.Subpart 222.17 - COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS222.1703 Policy.222.1704 Violations and remedies.222.1770 Procedures.Subpart 222.70 - RESTRICTIONS ON THE EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNEL FOR WORK ON CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE CONTRACTS IN NONCONTIGUOUS STATES222.7000 Scope of subpart.222.7001 Definition.222.7002 General.222.7003 Waivers.222.7004 Contract clause.Subpart 222.71 - RESERVEDSubpart 222.72 - COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR LAWS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS222.7201 Contract clauses.Subpart 222.73 - LIMITATIONS APPLICABLE TO CONTRACTS PERFORMED ON GUAM222.7300 Scope of subpart.222.7301 Prohibition on use of nonimmigrant aliens.222.7302 Contract clause.Subpart 222.74 - RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF MANDATORYARBITRATION AGREEMENTS222.7400 Scope of subpart.222.7401 Definition.222.7402 Policy.222.7403 Applicability.222.7404 Waiver.222.7405 Contract clause.Part 223 - ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION, AND MATERIAL SAFETYSubpart 223.1 - SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES223.107 Reserved.223.107-1 Products containing recovered materials.223.107-4 Products that contain, use, or are manufactured with ozone-depleting substances or products that contain or use high global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons.Subpart 223.2 - ENERGY AND WATER EFFICIENCY AND RENEWABLE ENERGYSubpart 223.3 - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA, AND NOTICE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS223.302 Hazardous material identification and notice of material safety data.223.304 Contract clause.223.370 Safety precautions for ammunition and explosives.223.370-1 Scope.223.370-2 Definition.223.370-3 Policy.223.370-4 Procedures.223.370-5 Contract clauses.Subpart 223.4 - ReservedSubpart 223.5 - ReservedSubpart 223.7 - CONTRACTING FOR ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE PRODUCTS AND SERVICESSubpart 223.70 - RESERVEDSubpart 223.71 - STORAGE, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS223.7101 Definitions.223.7102 Policy.223.7103 Procedures.223.7104 Exceptions.223.7105 Reimbursement.223.7106 Contract clause.Subpart 223.72 - SAFEGUARDING SENSITIVE CONVENTIONAL ARMS, AMMUNITION, AND EXPLOSIVES223.7200 Definition.223.7201 Policy.223.7202 Preaward responsibilities.223.7203 Contract clause.Subpart 223.73 - MINIMIZING THE USE OF MATERIALS CONTAINING HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM223.7300 Definition.223.7301 Policy.223.7302 Reserved.223.7303 Prohibition.223.7304 Exceptions.223.7305 Authorization and approval.223.7306 Contract clause.Subpart 223.74 - PROHIBITION ON PROCUREMENT OF CERTAIN ITEMS CONTAINING PERFLUOROALKYL OR POLYFLUOROALKYL SUBSTANCES223.7400 Scope of subpart.223.7401 Definition.223.7402 Prohibition.223.7403 Procedures.223.7404 Contract clause.Part 224 - PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONSubpart 224.1 - PROTECTION OF INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY224.103 Procedures.Subpart 224.2 - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT224.203 Policy.Part 225 - FOREIGN ACQUISITION225.001 General.225.003 Definitions.225.070 Reporting of acquisition of end products manufactured outside the United States.Subpart 225.1 - BUY AMERICAN—SUPPLIES225.101 General.225.103 Exceptions.225.106 Determining reasonableness of cost.225.170 Acquisition from or through other Government agencies.Subpart 225.2 - BUY AMERICAN—CONSTRUCTIONMATERIALS225.202 Exceptions.225.206 Noncompliance.225.270 Energy savings service contracts.Subpart 225.3 - CONTRACTS PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES225.301 Contractor personnel in a designated operational area or supporting a diplomatic or consular mission outside the United States.225.301-1 Scope.225.301-4 Contract clause.225.302 Contractors performing private security functions outside the United States.225.302-6 Contract clause.225.370 Contracts requiring performance or delivery in a foreign country.225.371 Contractor personnel supporting U.S. Armed Forces deployed outside the United States.225.371-1 Scope.225.371-2 Definition.225.371-3 Government support.225.371-4 Law of war training.225.371-5 Contract clauses.225.372 Antiterrorism/force protection.225.372-1 General.225.372-2 Contract clause.225.373 Contract administration in support of contingency operations.225.374 Use of electronic business tools.Subpart 225.4 - TRADE AGREEMENTS225.401 Exceptions.225.401-70 End products subject to trade agreements.225.401-71 Products or services in support of operations in Afghanistan.225.402 General.225.403 World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement and Free Trade Agreements.225.408 Procedures.Subpart 225.5 - EVALUATING FOREIGN OFFERS—SUPPLY CONTRACTS225.502 Application.225.503 Group offers.225.504 Evaluation examples.Subpart 225.6 - ReservedSubpart 225.7 - PROHIBITED SOURCES225.701 Restrictions administered by the Department of the Treasury on acquisitions of supplies or services from prohibited sources.225.701-70 Exception.225.770 Prohibition on acquisition of certain items from Communist Chinese military companies.225.770-1 Definitions.225.770-2 Prohibition.225.770-3 Exceptions.225.770-4 Identifying items covered by the USML or the 600 series of the CCL.225.770-5 Waiver of prohibition.225.771 Prohibition on contracting or subcontracting with a firm that is owned or controlled by the government of a country that is a state sponsor of terrorism.225.771-0 Scope.225.771-1 Definition.225.771-2 Prohibition.225.771-3 Notification.225.771-4 Waiver of prohibition.225.771-5 Solicitation provision.225.772 Prohibition on acquisition of certain foreign commercial satellite services.225.772-0 Scope.225.772-1 Definitions.225.772-2 Prohibitions.225.772-3 Procedures.225.772-4 Exception.225.772-5 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 225.8 - OTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS AND COORDINATION225.802 Procedures.225.802-70 Contracts for performance outside the United States and Canada.225.802-71 End use certificates.225.870 Contracting with Canadian contractors.225.870-1 General.225.870-2 Solicitation of Canadian contractors.225.870-3 Submission of offers.225.870-4 Contracting procedures.225.870-5 Contract administration.225.870-6 Termination procedures.225.870-7 Acceptance of Canadian supplies.225.870-8 Industrial security.225.871 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) cooperative projects.225.871-1 Scope.225.871-2 Definitions.225.871-3 General.225.871-4 Statutory waivers.225.871-5 Directed subcontracting.225.871-6 Disposal of property.225.871-7 Congressional notification.225.872 Contracting with qualifying country sources.225.872-1 General.225.872-2 Applicability.225.872-3 Solicitation procedures.225.872-4 Individual determinations.225.872-5 Contract administration.225.872-6 Request for audit services.225.872-7 Industrial security for qualifying countries.225.872-8 Subcontracting with qualifying country sources.225.873 Waiver of United Kingdom commercial exploitation levies.225.873-1 Policy.225.873-2 Procedures.Subpart 225.9 - CUSTOMS AND DUTIES225.900 RESERVED225.900-70 Definition.225.901 Policy.225.902 Procedures.225.903 Exempted supplies.Subpart 225.10 - ADDITIONAL FOREIGN ACQUISITION REGULATIONS225.1070 Clause deviations in overseas contracts.Subpart 225.11 - SOLICITATION PROVISIONS AND CONTRACT CLAUSES225.1100 Scope of subpart.225.1101 Acquisition of supplies.225.1103 Other provisions and clauses.Subpart 225.70 - AUTHORIZATION ACTS, APPROPRIATIONS ACTS, AND OTHER STATUTORY RESTRICTIONS ON FOREIGN ACQUISITION225.7000 Scope of subpart.225.7001 Definitions.225.7002 Restrictions on food, clothing, fabrics, hand or measuring tools, and flags.225.7002-1 Restrictions.225.7002-2 Exceptions.225.7002-3 Contract clauses.225.7003 Restrictions on acquisition of specialty metals.225.7003-1 Definitions.225.7003-2 Restrictions.225.7003-3 Exceptions.225.7003-4 Reserved.225.7003-5 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.225.7004 Restrictions on the procurement of goods other than U.S. goods.225.7004-0 Scope.225.7004-1 Definitions.225.7004-2 Restrictions.225.7004-3 Exceptions.225.7004-4 Implementation of restriction on certain naval vessel components.225.7004-5 Additional restrictions on anchor and mooring chain.225.7004-6 Waiver of restrictions.225.7004-7 Contract clauses.225.7005 Reserved.225.7006 Reserved.225.7007 Reserved.225.7008 Reserved.225.7009 Restriction on ball and roller bearings.225.7009-1 Scope.225.7009-2 Restriction.225.7009-3 Exception.225.7009-4 Waiver.225.7009-5 Contract clause.225.7010 Reserved.225.7011 Restriction on carbon, alloy, and armor steel plate.225.7011-1 Restriction.225.7011-2 Waiver.225.7011-3 Contract clause.225.7012 Restriction on supercomputers.225.7012-1 Restriction.225.7012-2 Waiver.225.7012-3 Contract clause.225.7013 Restrictions on construction or repair of vessels in foreign shipyards.225.7013-0 Scope.225.7013-1 Definitions.225.7013-2 Restrictions.225.7014 Restrictions on military construction.225.7015 Restriction on overseas architect-engineer services.225.7017 Utilization of domestic photovoltaic devices.225.7017-1 Definitions As used in this section—225.7017-2 Restriction.225.7017-3 Exceptions.225.7017-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7018 Restriction on acquisition of certain magnets, tantalum, and tungsten.225.7018-0 Scope.225.7018-1 Definitions.225.7018-2 Restriction.225.7018-3 Exceptions.225.7018-4 Nonavailability determination.225.7018-5 Contract clause.225.7019 Prohibition on use of certain energy sourced from inside the Russian Federation.225.7019-1 Definitions.225.7019-2 Prohibition.225.7019-3 Waiver.225.7019-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7020 Prohibition on contracting with the Maduro regime.225.7020-1 Definitions.225.7020-2 Prohibition.225.7020-3 Exceptions.225.7020-4 Joint determination.225.7020-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7021 Disclosure requirements for employment transparency regarding individuals who perform work in the People’s Republic of China.225.7021-1 Definitions.225.7021-2 Restrictions.225.7021-3 National security waiver of disclosure.225.7021-4 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7022 Prohibition on certain procurements from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.225.7022-1 Scope.225.7022-2 Definitions.225.7022-3 Prohibition.225.7022-4 Exceptions.225.7022-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.225.7023 Restriction on acquisition of personal protective equipment and certain other items from non-allied foreign nations.225.7023-1 Definitions.225.7023-2 Restriction.225.7023-3 Exceptions.225.7023-4 Contract clause.225.7024 Restriction on acquisition of fuel for overseas contingency operations.225.7024-1 Scope.225.7024-2 Prohibition.225.7024-3 Procedures.225.7024-4 Solicitation provision.Subpart 225.71 - OTHER RESTRICTIONS ON FOREIGN ACQUISITION225.7100 Scope of subpart.225.7101 Definitions.225.7102 Forgings.225.7102-1 Policy.225.7102-2 Exceptions.225.7102-3 Waiver.225.7102-4 Contract clause.Subpart 225.72 - REPORTING CONTRACT PERFORMANCE OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES225.7201 Policy.225.7202 Exception.225.7203 Contracting officer distribution of reports.225.7204 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.Subpart 225.73 - ACQUISITIONS FOR FOREIGN MILITARY SALES225.7300 Scope of subpart.225.7301 General.225.7301-1 Reserved.225.7301-2 Solicitation approval for sole source contracts.225.7302 Preparation of letter of offer and acceptance.225.7303 Pricing acquisitions for FMS.225.7303-1 Contractor sales to other foreign customers.225.7303-2 Cost of doing business with a foreign government or an international organization.225.7303-3 Government-to-government agreements.225.7303-4 Contingent fees.225.7303-5 Acquisitions wholly paid for from nonrepayable funds.225.7304 FMS customer involvement.225.7305 Limitation of liability.225.7306 Offset arrangements.225.7307 Contract clauses.Subpart 225.74 - ReservedSubpart 225.75 - BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM225.7500 Scope of subpart.225.7501 Policy.225.7502 Procedures.225.7503 Contract clauses.Subpart 225.76 - SECONDARY ARAB BOYCOTT OF ISRAEL225.7601 Restriction.225.7602 Procedures.225.7603 Exceptions.225.7604 Waivers.225.7605 Solicitation provision.Subpart 225.77 - ACQUISITIONS IN SUPPORT OF OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN225.7700 Scope.225.7701 Definitions.225.7702 Acquisitions not subject to the enhanced authority to acquire products or services from Afghanistan.225.7702-1 Acquisition of small arms.225.7702-2 Acquisition of uniform components for the Afghan military or the Afghan police.225.7703 Enhanced authority to acquire products or services from Afghanistan.225.7703-1 Acquisition procedures.225.7703-2 Determination requirements.225.7703-3 Evaluating offers.225.7703-4 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.225.7704 Acquisitions of products and services from South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state in support of operations in Afghanistan.225.7704-1 Applicability of trade agreements.225.7704-2 Applicability of Balance of Payments Program.225.7704-3 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.225.7705 Prohibition on use of funds for contracts of certain programs and projects in Afghanistan that cannot be safely accessed.225.7705-1 Prohibition.225.7705-2 Waiver of prohibition.225.7705-3 Procedures.225.7798 Enhanced authority to acquire products or services of Djibouti in support of DoD operations in Djibouti.225.7799 Authority to acquire products and services (including construction) from Afghanistan or from countries along a major route of supply to Afghanistan.Subpart 225.78 - ACQUISITIONS IN SUPPORT OF GEOGRAPHIC COMBATANT COMMANDS THEATER SECURITY COOPERATION EFFORTS225.7801 Policy.Subpart 225.79 - EXPORT CONTROL225.7900 Scope of subpart.225.7901 Export-controlled items.225.7901-1 Definitions.225.7901-2 General.225.7901-3 Policy.225.7901-4 Contract clause.225.7902 Defense Trade Cooperation Treaties.225.7902-1 Definitions.225.7902-2 Purpose.225.7902-3 Policy.225.7902-4 Procedures.225.7902-5 Solicitation provision and contract clause.Part 226 - OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMSSubpart 226.1 - INDIAN INCENTIVE PROGRAM226.103 Procedures.226.104 Contract clause.Subpart 226.3 - ReservedSubpart 226.5 - DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE226.570 Drug-free work force.226.570-1 Policy.226.570-2 Contract clause.Subpart 226.70 - RESERVEDSubpart 226.71 - PREFERENCE FOR LOCAL AND SMALL BUSINESSES226.7100 Scope of subpart.226.7101 Definition.226.7102 Policy.226.7103 Procedure.226.7104 Other considerations.Subpart 226.72 - DEMONSTRATIONPROJECT FOR CONTRACTORS EMPLOYING PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES226.7200 Scope of subpart.226.7201 Definitions.226.7202 Policy and procedures.226.7203 Solicitation provision.