3052.204-73 Notification and credit monitoring requirements for Personally Identifiable Information incidents.
As prescribed in (HSAR) 48 CFR 3004.470-4(c), insert the following clause:
3052.204-73 Notification and Credit Monitoring Requirements for Personally Identifiable Information Incidents (JUL 2023)
(a) Definitions. Privacy Information includes both Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII). PII refers to information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone, or when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual; and SPII is a subset of PII that if lost, compromised, or disclosed without authorization could result in substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an individual. To determine whether information is PII, the DHS will perform an assessment of the specific risk that an individual can be identified using the information with other information that is linked or linkable to the individual. In performing this assessment, it is important to recognize that information that is not PII can become PII whenever additional information becomes available, in any medium or from any source, that would make it possible to identify an individual. Certain data elements are particularly sensitive and may alone present an increased risk of harm to the individual.
(1) Examples of stand-alone PII that are particularly sensitive include: Social Security numbers (SSNs), driver's license or State identification numbers, Alien Registration Numbers (A-numbers), financial account numbers, and biometric identifiers.
(2) Multiple pieces of information may present an increased risk of harm to the individual when combined, posing an increased risk of harm to the individual. SPII may also consist of any grouping of information that contains an individual's name or other unique identifier plus one or more of the following elements:
(i) Truncated SSN (such as last 4 digits);
(ii) Date of birth (month, day, and year);
(iii) Citizenship or immigration status;
(iv) Ethnic or religious affiliation;
(v) Sexual orientation;
(vi) Criminal history;
(vii) Medical information; and
(viii) System authentication information, such as mother's birth name, account passwords, or personal identification numbers (PINs).
(3) Other PII that may present an increased risk of harm to the individual depending on its context, such as a list of employees and their performance ratings or an unlisted home address or phone number. The context includes the purpose for which the PII was collected, maintained, and used. This assessment is critical because the same information in different contexts can reveal additional information about the impacted individual.
(b) PII and SPII Notification Requirements.
(1) No later than 5 business days after being directed by the Contracting Officer, or as otherwise required by applicable law, the Contractor shall notify any individual whose PII or SPII was either under the control of the Contractor or resided in an information system under control of the Contractor at the time the incident occurred. The method and content of any notification by the Contractor shall be coordinated with, and subject to prior written approval by, the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall not proceed with notification unless directed in writing by the Contracting Officer.
(2) All determinations by the Department related to notifications to affected individuals and/or Federal agencies and related services (e.g., credit monitoring) will be made in writing by the Contracting Officer.
(3) Subject to government analysis of the incident and direction to the Contractor regarding any resulting notification, the notification method may consist of letters to affected individuals sent by first-class mail, electronic means, or general public notice, as approved by the Government. Notification may require the Contractor's use of address verification and/or address location services. At a minimum, the notification shall include:
(i) A brief description of the incident;
(ii) A description of the types of PII or SPII involved;
(iii) A statement as to whether the PII or SPII was encrypted or protected by other means;
(iv) Steps individuals may take to protect themselves;
(v) What the Contractor and/or the Government are doing to investigate the incident, mitigate the incident, and protect against any future incidents; and
(vi) Information identifying who individuals may contact for additional information.
(c) Credit Monitoring Requirements. The Contracting Officer may direct the Contractor to:
(1) Provide notification to affected individuals as described in paragraph (b).
(2) Provide credit monitoring services to individuals whose PII or SPII was under the control of the Contractor or resided in the information system at the time of the incident for a period beginning the date of the incident and extending not less than 18 months from the date the individual is notified. Credit monitoring services shall be provided from a company with which the Contractor has no affiliation. At a minimum, credit monitoring services shall include:
(i) Triple credit bureau monitoring;
(ii) Daily customer service;
(iii) Alerts provided to the individual for changes and fraud; and
(iv) Assistance to the individual with enrollment in the services and the use of fraud alerts.
(3) Establish a dedicated call center. Call center services shall include:
(i) A dedicated telephone number to contact customer service within a fixed period;
(ii) Information necessary for registrants/enrollees to access credit reports and credit scores;
(iii) Weekly reports on call center volume, issue escalation (i.e., those calls that cannot be handled by call center staff and must be resolved by call center management or DHS, as appropriate), and other key metrics;
(iv) Escalation of calls that cannot be handled by call center staff to call center management or DHS, as appropriate;
(v) Customized Frequently Asked Questions, approved in writing by the Contracting Officer in coordination with the Component or Headquarters Privacy Officer; and
(vi) Information for registrants to contact customer service representatives and fraud resolution representatives for credit monitoring assistance.
(End of clause)