Subpart 518.70 - Emergency Acquisition Support
518.7001 Definitions.
As used in this subpart—
"Emergency Coordinators (EC)" means individuals within GSA who are designated to be responsible for preparedness, response, and recovery phases of incident management. The Office of Mission Assurance (OMA) Associate Administrator is the primary EC for GSA. Additionally, each Head of Service and Staff Office (HSSO) must appoint an EC to handle emergency documents, update their HSSO, and liaise with OMA (see GSA Orders ADM 2430.1A, The U.S. General Services Administration Continuity Program and ADM 2430.3: The U.S. General Services Administration Emergency Management Program or successor orders).
"Requesting Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA)" means the HCA requesting emergency acquisition support.
"Servicing HCA" means the HCA providing emergency acquisition support.
518.7002 General.
HCAs, in conjunction with ECs, may obtain emergency acquisition support (e.g., contract award, contract administration) from across GSA.
518.7003 Requesting HCA responsibilities.
he requesting HCA is responsible for the following:
(a) Determining, in conjunction with ECs, the need for emergency acquisition support. Requesting HCAs should look within their own Service-line (e.g., FAS, PBS, OAS) before reaching outside their respective Service-line.
(b) Requesting needed acquisition support from the servicing HCA. The request shall include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) Time commitment and duration needed.
(2) Description of the acquisition support needed;
(3) Number and type of acquisition personnel (e.g., contracting officer); and
(4) Other key details (e.g., rotation, location requirements).
(c) Overseeing the acquisition personnel provided by the servicing HCA. Requesting HCAs retain contracting oversight over any contracting officer who is supplied by a Servicing HCA.
(d) Ensuring there is documented oversight and internal control processes of contract activities to support emergency acquisitions.
518.7004 Servicing HCA responsibilities.
The Servicing HCA is responsible for the following:
(a) Providing acquisition support for the agreed upon period of time to the Requesting HCA and ensuring volunteers understand that they will report to the Requesting HCA.
(b) Ensuring the acquisition personnel have the necessary certifications and expertise to support the Requesting HCA.
(c) Ensuring the acquisition personnel have knowledge and understanding of emergency acquisition policies under FAR part 18, FAR subpart 26.2, Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Emergency Acquisitions Guide, and OMA 2400.2, Events Requiring Notification to the GSA Emergency Operations Center.