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Change Number: Change 195 GSAM Case 2025-G505
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

536.103 Methods of Contracting.

536.103 Methods of Contracting.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, although CMc contracts are considered incentive-type contracts (see 536.207), contracting officers are authorized to use the CMc project delivery method without completing a determination and finding as required by FAR 16.401(d). Contracting officers shall discuss the CMc project delivery method as part of the acquisition plan (see FAR 7.105).

(b)  To the extent the contracting officer incorporates an award-fee component into the CMc (in addition to the shared savings incentive), then the determination and finding required by FAR 16.401(d) is required to support any such award-fee.

(c)  The contracting officer shall use the tradeoff process as described in FAR 15.101-1, unless a different source selection approach is approved in writing by the HCA, for selecting a construction contractor under the CMc project delivery method, and select sources in accordance with subpart 536.7103.