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Change Number: Change 182 GSAM Case 2020-G514
Effective Date: 07/02/2024

513.370-2 Limitations.

513.370-2 Limitations.

(a)  Purchases are subject to FAR part 13, and part  513 and these limitations:

(1)  The amount of any one purchase must not exceed the micro-purchase threshold.

(2)  Neither the supplier nor the Government require a purchase order.

(3)  The individual making the purchase does not have a Governmentwide commercial purchase card or the card is not accepted by the supplier.

(b)  If the contracting officer uses certified invoice procedures, the contracting officer must:

(1) Verify price reasonableness using the conditions contained in FAR 13.203.

(2)  Certify that the quality and quantity of supplies/services furnished comply with the verbal agreement made with the supplier.

(c) Authorized individuals without warrants may solicit quotations. Although FAR 1.601(a) states that contracts may be entered into and signed on behalf of the Government only by contracting officers, a non-warranted Government employee may place a micro-purchase when a contracting officer approves in advance the placement of an order. Approval must be in writing on GSA Form 2010, Simplified Acquisition Tabulation Source List/Abstract, or other documentation unless the geographic distance makes it impracticable. In those cases, the contracting officer may provide approval by telephone or e-mail. The authorized individual must document the file accordingly.