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FAC Number: 2024-05
Effective Date: 05/22/2024

53.245 Government property.

53.245 Government property.

The following forms are prescribed, as specified in this section, for use in reporting, reutilization, and disposal of Government property and in accounting for this property:

(a) SF 120 (GSA), Report of Excess Personal Property, and SF 120A (GSA), Continuation Sheet (Report of Excess Personal Property). (See 45.602-3 and 41 CFR 102-36.215.)

(b) SF 126 (GSA), Report of Personal Property for Sale, and SF 126A (GSA), Report of Personal Property for Sale (Continuation Sheet). (See FPMR 101-45.303 (41 CFR101-45.303.))

(c) SF 1423 (Rev.5/04), Inventory Verification Survey. (See 45.602-1(b)(1).)

(d) SF 1424 (Rev.5/2004), Inventory Disposal Report (See 45.605). SF 1424 is authorized for local reproduction.

(e) SF 1428 (Rev.6/2007), Inventory Disposal Schedule, and SF 1429 (Rev.5/2004), Inventory Disposal Schedule-Continuation Sheet. (See 45.602-1, 49.303-2, 52.245-1, and 53.249(b).) SF’s 1428 and 1429 are authorized for local reproduction.

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