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FAC Number: 2024-05
Effective Date: 05/22/2024

53.236-2 Architect-engineer services (SF’s 252 and 330).

53.236-2 Architect-engineer services (SF’s 252 and 330).

The following forms are prescribed for use in contracting for architect-engineer and related services:

(a) SF 252 (Rev.10/83), Architect-Engineer Contract. SF 252 is prescribed for use in awarding fixed-price contracts for architect-engineer services, as specified in 36.702(a). Pending issuance of a new edition of the form, Block8, Negotiation Authority, is deleted.

(b) SF 330 (Rev. Jul 2021), Architect-Engineer Qualifications . SF 330 is prescribed for use in obtaining information from architect-engineer firms regarding their professional qualifications, as specified in 36.702(b)(1) and (b)(2).

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