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FAC Number: 2024-07
Effective Date: 09/30/2024

52.215-9 Changes or Additions to Make-or-Buy Program.

52.215-9 Changes or Additions to Make-or-Buy Program.

As prescribed in 15.408(a), insert the following clause:

Changes or Additions to Make-or-Buy Program (Oct 1997)

(a) The Contractor shall perform in accordance with the make-or-buy program incorporated in this contract. If the Contractor proposes to change the program, the Contractor shall, reasonably in advance of the proposed change, (1) notify the Contracting Officer in writing, and (2) submit justification in sufficient detail to permit evaluation. Changes in the place of performance of any "make" items in the program are subject to this requirement.

(b) For items deferred at the time of negotiation of this contract for later addition to the program, the Contractor shall, at the earliest possible time-

(1) Notify the Contracting Officer of each proposed addition; and

(2) Provide justification in sufficient detail to permit evaluation.

(c) Modification of the make-or-buy program to incorporate proposed changes or additions shall be effective upon the Contractor’s receipt of the Contracting Officer’s written approval.

(End of clause)

Alternate I (Oct 2010). As prescribed in 15.408 (a)(1) add the following paragraph (d) to the basic clause:

(d) If the Contractor desires to reverse the categorization of "make" or "buy" for any item or items designated in the contract as subject to this paragraph, it shall-

(1) Support its proposal with certified cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table  15-1 when required by FAR 15.403, and data other than certified cost or pricing data, to permit evaluation; and

(2) After approval is granted, promptly negotiate with the Contracting Officer an equitable reduction in the contract price in accordance with paragraph (k) of the Incentive Price Revision-Firm Target clause or paragraph (m) of the Incentive Price Revision-Successive Targets clause of this contract.

Alternate II (Oct 2010). As prescribed in 15.408 (a)(2), add the following paragraph (d) to the basic clause:

(d) If the Contractor desires to reverse the categorization of "make" or "buy" for any item or items designated in the contract as subject to this paragraph, it shall-

(1) Support its proposal with certified cost or pricing data in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table  15-1, when required by FAR 15.403, and data other than certified cost or pricing data, to permit evaluation; and

(2) After approval is granted, promptly negotiate with the Contracting Officer an equitable reduction in the contract's total estimated cost and fee in accordance with paragraph (e) of the Incentive Fee clause of this contract.

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