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Change Number: DFARS Change 01/17/2025
Effective Date: 01/17/2025



F-601 Instructions.

Prepare the DD Form 250-1 using the following instructions when applied to a tanker or barge cargo lifting. If space is limited, use abbreviations. The block numbers correspond to those on the form.

(a) Block 1—TANKER/BARGE. Line out “TANKER” or “BARGE” as appropriate and place an “X” to indicate loading report.

(b) Block 2—INSPECTION OFFICE. Enter the name and location of the Government office conducting the inspection.

(c) Block 3—REPORT NO. Number each form consecutively, starting with number 1, to correspond to the number of shipments made against the contract. If shipment is made from more than one location against the same contract, use this numbering system at each location.

(d) Block 4—AGENCY PLACING ORDER ON SHIPPER, CITY, STATE AND/OR LOCAL ADDRESS (LOADING). Enter the applicable Government activity.

(e) Block 5—DEPARTMENT. Enter military department owning product being shipped.

(f) Block 6—PRIME CONTRACT OR P.O. NO. Enter the contract or purchase order number.

(g) Block 7—NAME OF PRIME CONTRACTOR, CITY, STATE AND/OR LOCAL ADDRESS (LOADING). Enter the name and address of the contractor as shown in the contract.

(h) Block 8—STORAGE CONTRACT. Enter storage contract number if applicable.

(i) Block 9—TERMINAL OR REFINERY SHIPPED FROM, CITY, STATE AND/OR LOCAL ADDRESS. Enter the name and location of the contractor facility from which shipment is made. Also enter delivery point in this space as either “FOB Origin” or “FOB Destination.”

(j) Block 10—ORDER NO. ON SUPPLIER. Enter number of the delivery order, purchase order, subcontract or suborder placed on the supplier.

(k) Block 11—SHIPPED TO: (RECEIVING ACTIVITY, CITY, STATE AND/OR LOCAL ADDRESS). Enter the name and geographical address of the consignee as shown on the shipping order.

(l) Block 12—B/L NUMBER. If applicable, enter the initials and number of the bill of lading. If a commercial bill of lading is later authorized to be converted to a Government bill of lading, show “Com. B/L to GB/L.”

(m) Block 13—REQN. OR REQUEST NO. Enter number and date from the shipping instructions.

(n) Block 14—CARGO NO. Enter the cargo number furnished by the ordering office.

(o) Block 15—VESSEL. Enter the name of tanker or barge.

(p) Block 16—DRAFT ARRIVAL. Enter the vessel's draft on arrival.

(q) Block 17—DRAFT SAILING. Enter the vessel's draft on completion of loading.

(r) Block 18—PREVIOUS TWO CARGOES. Enter the type of product constituting previous two cargoes.

(s) Block 19—PRIOR INSPECTION. Leave blank.

(t) Block 20—CONDITION OF SHORE PIPELINE. Enter condition of line (full or empty) before and after loading.

(u) Block 21—APPROPRIATION (LOADING). Enter the appropriation number shown on the contract, purchase order or distribution plan. If the shipment is made from departmentally owned stock, show “Army, Navy, or Air Force (as appropriate) owned stock.”

(v) Block 22—CONTRACT ITEM NO. Enter the contract item number applicable to the shipment.

(w) Block 23—PRODUCT. Enter the product nomenclature and grade as shown in the contract or specification, the stock or class number, and the NATO symbol.

(x) Block 24—SPECIFICATIONS. Enter the specification and amendment number shown in the contract.

(y) Block 25—STATEMENT OF QUANTITY. Enter in the “LOADED” column, the net barrels, net gallons, and long tons for the cargo loaded. NOTE: If more than 1/2 of 1 percent difference exists between the ship and shore quantity figures, the contractor shall immediately investigate to determine the cause of the difference. If necessary, prepare corrected documents; otherwise, put a statement in Block 28 as to the probable or actual cause of the difference.


(1) Under the heading “TESTS” list all inspection acceptance tests of the specification and any other quality requirements of the contract.

(2) Under the heading “SPECIFICATION LIMITS” list the limits or requirements as stated in the specification or contract directly opposite each entry in the “TESTS” column. List waivers to technical requirements.

(3) Under the heading “TEST RESULTS” list the test results applicable to the storage tank or tanks from which the cargo was lifted. If more than one storage tank is involved, list the tests applicable to each tank in separate columns headed by the tank number, the date the product in the tank was approved, and the quantity loaded from the tank. Each column shall also list such product characteristics as amount and type of corrosion inhibitor, etc.

(aa) Block 27—TIME STATEMENT. Line out “DISCHARGE” and “DISCHARGING.” Complete all applicable entries of the time statement using local time. Take these dates and times from either the vessel or shore facility log. The Government representative shall ensure that the logs are in agreement on those entries used. If the vessel and shore facility logs are not in agreement, the Government representative will explain the reasons in Block 28—REMARKS. Do not enter the date and time the vessel left berth on documents placed aboard the vessel. The date and time shall appear on all other copies. Express all dates in sequence of day, month, and year with the month spelled out or abbreviated (e.g., 10 Sept. 67). The term FINISHED BALLAST DISCHARGE is meant to include all times needed to complete deballasting and mopping/drying of ship's tanks. The inspection of ship's tanks for loading is normally performed immediately upon completion of drying tanks.

(bb) Block 28—REMARKS. Use this space for reporting:

(1) All delays, their cause and responsible party (vessel, shore facility, Government representative, or other).

(2) Details of loading abnormalities such as product losses due to overflow, leaks, delivery of product from low level in shore tanks, etc.

(3) In the case of multiple consignees, enter each consignee, the amount consigned to each, and if applicable, the storage contract numbers appearing on the delivery order.

(4) When product title is vested in the U.S. Government, insert in capital letters “U.S. GOVERNMENT OWNED CARGO.” If title to the product remains with the contractor and inspection is performed at source with acceptance at destination, insert in capital letters “CONTRACTOR OWNED CARGO.”

(5) Seal numbers and location of seals. If space is not adequate, place this information on the ullage report or an attached supplemental sheet.

(cc) Block 29—COMPANY OR RECEIVING TERMINAL. Line out “OR RECEIVING TERMINAL” and get the signature of the supplier's representative.

(dd) Block 30—CERTIFICATION BY GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE. Line out “DISCHARGED.” The Government representative shall date and sign the form to certify inspection and acceptance, as applicable, by the Government. The name of the individual signing this certification, as well as the names applied in Blocks 29 and 31, shall be typed or hand lettered. The signature in Block 30 must agree with the typed or lettered name to be acceptable to the paying office.

(ee) Block 31—CERTIFICATION BY MASTER OR AGENT. Obtain the signature of the master of the vessel or its agent.


DFARS Appendix