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Change Number: 2024-0626
Effective Date: 06/26/2024

5817.202-90 Use of Surge Options

5817.202-90 Use of Surge Options

(a) Definition. Optional CLIN that can be exercised unilaterally for an increase in quantity of support for the task areas previously defined in the PWS/SOO/SOW.

(b) General.

(1) When surge is contemplated, the contracting officer shall prepare a determination for the surge amount prior to releasing the RFP or RFQ. The determination can be added to the Determination for Use of Options template.

(i) Approval up to 50% is the contracting officer.

(ii) Approval 50% and over is the CoCO.

(2) The surge CLIN shall be numbered as 9999 with a contract type of cost reimbursement not- to-exceed. The following language may be used as the description for CLIN 9999:

“Optional surge support in accordance with DITCO Special Contract Requirement H6 – OPTION TO EXERCISE SURGE SUPPORT AND/OR OPTIONAL TASKS/LINE ITEMS.”

(3) The surge option should be exercised unilaterally to the maximum extent possible; however, can be exercised bilaterally if negotiations are required.

(4) The amount of any new CLIN or amount added to an existing CLIN that implements surge will be equal to the decrement of the not-to-exceed amount of CLIN 9999. Description for the surge CLIN should state “Surge of Task Area # with a period of performance from

to .”.

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