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Part Number: 2932

Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation



Subpart 2932.4—Advance Payments for Other Than Commercial Acquisitions

2932.408 Application for advance payments.

After consulting with the SPE, the HCA may authorize advance payments without interest pursuant to FAR 32.408.

Subpart 2932.5—Progress Payments Based on Costs

2932.501-2 Unusual progress payments.

After consulting with the SPE, the HCA may approve requests for “unusual” progress payments.

2932.503-6 Suspension or reduction of payments.

Any action of a contracting officer under FAR 32.503-6 requires approval in advance from the HCA. Upon receipt of approval from the HCA, the contracting officer shall request the contract finance office to suspend or reduce payments.

Subpart 2932.7—Contract Funding

2932.703 Contract funding requirements.

2932.703-70 Contract clause.

Contracting officers shall insert the clause at DOLAR 2952.232-70, Limitation of Government's Obligation (LoGO), in all solicitations and contracts for severable services.

Subpart 2932.9—Prompt Payment

2932.908 Contract clauses.

Contracting Officers shall insert the clause at DOLAR 2952.232-71, Submission of Invoices, in all solicitations and contracts.