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Change Number: 2024-0626
Effective Date: 06/26/2024



5803.101-3 Agency Regulations

The DoD Directive 5500.07, Standards of Conduct, DoD 5500.07-R, Joint Ethics Regulation, DISA Instruction 100-50-06, Standards of Ethical Conduct, and DISA Employees’ Guide to the Standards of Conduct, provide extensive agency guidance governing this topic.

Contact General Counsel (GC) with any questions.

5803.104-3 Statutory and Related Prohibitions, Restrictions, and Requirements

(S-90) All Agency personnel are required to sign a one-time non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which lasts for the duration of DISA employment. In addition, Contracting Officers will require a separate signed source selection specific NDA for any individual(s) with access to selection sensitive information for which disclosure should be limited.

(S-91) Any e-mail relating to an acquisition (e.g., discussing details or providing requirement documents) must be digitally signed/encrypted. See DISAI 630- 230-30 for e-mail security practices for the transmission of sensitive but unclassified information.

5803.104-4 Disclosure, Protection, and Marking of Contractor Bid or Proposal Information and Source Selection Information

(a) The HCA is delegated the authority to authorize access to contractor bid or proposal or source selection information.

(S-90) All DISA personnel who have access to sensitive acquisition information must ensure proper handling of such information in order to maintain the integrity of the acquisition process. Unclassified sensitive acquisition information shall only be distributed on a “need to know” basis.

(S-91) All emails containing source selection sensitive info shall be sent encrypted and/or password protected. Include the following text in the subject line and at the beginning and end of the e-mail text:


5803.104-6 Ethics Advisory Opinions Regarding Prohibitions on a Former Officials Acceptance of Compensation from a Contractor

(a) Written request for an ethic advisory opinion shall be submitted to the DISA Designated Agency Ethics Official (DAEO). Per DISAI 100-50-6, the DAEO is the General Counsel.

5803.104-7 Violations or Possible Violations

(a)(1) The Vice Procurement Services Executive (V/PSE) is the designee.

(2) The contracting officer’s conclusion will be coordinated with GC and submitted to the V/PSE for review and signature

DARS Parts

DARS Appendix