Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301-302, 41 U.S.C. 1303, 41 U.S.C. 1707, 41 U.S.C. 1702, and 48 CFR subpart 1.3.

Source: 68 FR 67871, Dec. 4, 2003, unless otherwise noted.

Subpart 3035.000—Scope of Part

3035.003 Policy.

3035.008 Evaluation for award.

3035.017 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.

Subpart 3035.70—Information Dissemination by Educational Institutions

3035.70-1 Policy.

3035.70-2 Contract clause.

Subpart 3035.000—Scope of Part

3035.003 Policy.

(b) Cost sharing shall be determined on a case by case basis. Components may establish procedures for cost sharing.

(c) Recoupment shall be determined on a case-by-case basis. Recoupment not otherwise required by law should be structured to address factors such as recovering the Department's fair share of its investment in nonrecurring costs related to the items acquired. Advice of legal counsel shall be obtained prior to establishing cost sharing policies and recoupment mechanisms under (FAR) 48 CFR 35.003(b) and (c).

3035.008 Evaluation for award.

See (HSAR) 48 CFR 3009.570 for limitations on the award of contracts to contractors acting as lead system integrators.

3035.017 Federally Funded Research and Development Centers.

(a) In accordance with section 309(b) of the Homeland Security Act, 6 U.S.C. 189(b), DHS may be a joint sponsor under a multiple agency sponsorship arrangement with the Department of Energy (DOE) of one or more DOE national laboratories or sites. DOE shall be the primary sponsor under any multiple agency sponsorship arrangement with DOE laboratories or sites. Work performed by a DOE national laboratory or site under a joint sponsorship arrangement with DHS Components shall comply with policy on the use of Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) in (FAR) 48 CFR 35.017.

Subpart 3035.70—Information Dissemination by Educational Institutions

3035.70-1 Policy.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) desires widespread dissemination of the results of funded non-sensitive research. The Contractor, therefore, may publish (subject to the provisions of the “Data Rights” and “Patent Rights” clauses of the contract) research results in professional journals, books, trade publications, or other appropriate media.

3035.70-2 Contract clause.

(a) The contracting officer shall use the clause at (HSAR) 48 CFR 3052.235-70, Dissemination of Information—Educational Institutions, in contracts with educational institutions for research that is not sensitive or classified.

(b) If the contract involves sensitive or classified research, the contracting officer shall prepare and insert a Special Contract Requirement that conditions dissemination upon the approval of a designated Government official.