Subpart 3032.000—Scope of Part

3032.003 Simplified acquisition procedures financing.

Contract financing may be permitted for purchases made under the authority of (FAR) 48 CFR part 13. This authority is delegated to COCO and may not be redelegated.

3032.006 Reduction or suspension of contract payments upon finding of fraud.

3032.006-2 Definition.

The CPO is the DHS remedy coordination official (RCO).

3032.006-3 Responsibilities.

(a) The CPO is authorized to establish specific procedures.

(b) Reports shall be made through the HCA to the CPO.

Subpart 3032.11—Electronic Funds Transfer

3032.1110 Solicitation provision and contract clauses.


(1) Contracting officer shall insert FAR 48 CFR 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer—Central Contractor Registration, in all proposed solicitations and contracts.