Subpart 3027.3—Patent Rights under Government Contracts

3027.304-1 General.

Interim and final invention reports and notification of all subcontracts for experimental, developmental, or research work (FAR) 48 CFR 27.304-1(e)(2)(ii) may be submitted on DD Form 882, Report of Inventions and Subcontracts.

3027.304-5 Appeals.

(a) Contracting officers are authorized to take the specified actions.

(b) Appeals shall be made to the CPO.

3027.305 Administration of Patent Rights Clauses.

3027.305-4 Conveyance of invention rights acquired by the Government.

The contracting officer shall ensure that solicitations and contracts which include a patent rights clause include a means for the contractor to report inventions made in the course of contract performance and at contract completion. This requirement may be fulfilled by requiring the contractor to submit a DD Form 882, Report of Inventions and Subcontract.

3027.306 Licensing background patent rights to third parties.

(b) The CPO shall make the required determinations and notifications under this subpart.