952.204-70 Classification/Declassification.
As prescribed in 904.404(d)(2), the following clause shall be included in all contracts which involve classified information:
Classification/Declassification [December 2024]
(a) Definitions. Classified information means information that is classified as Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data or Transclassified Foreign Nuclear Information under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or information identified as National Security Information and therefore determined to require protection against unauthorized disclosure under E.O. 13526, Classified National Security Information, as amended, or prior or successive Executive orders.
Contractor, as used in this clause, includes subcontractors.
Document means any recorded information, regardless of the nature of the medium or the method or circumstances of recording (e.g., email).
Information means facts, data, or knowledge itself.
Material means a product or substance that contains or reveals information, regardless of its physical form or characteristics.
(b) The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of DOE's regulations and DOE directives applicable to work involving the classification and declassification of information, documents, or material. (Note: The decision to classify or declassify information is considered an inherently Governmental function. As such, only Government personnel may serve as Federal Government original classifiers. Both Government and Contractor personnel may serve as derivative classifiers; this involves making decisions based upon classification guidance and, where authorized by DOE directives, portion marked source documents that reflects the decisions of Federal Government. Both Government and Contractor personnel may also serve as derivative declassifiers; this involves making decisions based only on classification guidance).
(c) The Contractor shall ensure that any document or material that may contain classified information is reviewed by either a derivative classifier, or in the case of documents intended for public release, a classification officer or a specifically designated DC, in accordance with classification regulations, and DOE directives. In accordance with DOE directives DCs must use classification/declassification guidance furnished to the Contractor by the DOE or a portion marked source document, when authorized to determine whether it contains classified information prior to dissemination. For information not addressed in classification/declassification guidance, but whose sensitivity appears to warrant classification, the Contractor shall ensure it is reviewed by a Federal Government original classifier or the Director, Office of Classification in accordance with classification directives or regulations.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that existing classified documents (containing either Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, Transclassified Foreign Nuclear Information, or National Security Information) in its possession or under its control are periodically reviewed by a Federal Government or Contractor derivative declassifier in accordance with classification regulations, DOE directives and classification/declassification guidance furnished to the Contractor by DOE to determine if the documents are no longer appropriately classified. Priorities for declassification review of classified documents shall be based on the degree of public and researcher interest and the likelihood of declassification upon review. Documents that no longer contain classified information are to be declassified. Declassified documents then shall be reviewed to determine if they are publicly releasable. Documents that are declassified and determined to be publicly releasable are to be made available to the public in order to maximize the public's access while minimizing security costs.
(e) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall insert this clause in any subcontract that involves or may involve access to classified information.
(End of clause)