Subpart 926.71—Implementation of Section 3161 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993.

Source: 62 FR 34861, June 27, 1997, unless otherwise noted.

926.7101 Policy.

Consistent with the requirements of section 3161(c)(2), 50 U.S.C. 2704(c)(2), in instances where DOE has determined that a change in workforce at a DOE Defense Nuclear Facility is necessary, the Department, to the extent practicable, is required to provide employees under Department of Energy contracts whose employment in positions at such a facility is terminated with a preference in any hiring of the Department. Consistent with published DOE guidance regarding section 3161, such preference in hiring extends to hiring by DOE contractors and subcontractors.

926.7102 Definition.

Eligible employee means a current or former employee of a contractor or subcontractor employed at a DOE Defense Nuclear Facility—

(1) Whose position of employment has been, or will be, involuntarily terminated (except if terminated for cause);

(2) Who has met the eligibility criteria contained in Department of Energy guidance for contractor work force restructuring, as may be amended or supplemented from time to time; and

(3) Who is qualified for a job vacancy with the Department or one of its contractors with respect to work under its contract with the Department at the time a position is available.

926.7103 Requirements.

(a) Section 3161, 50 U.S.C. 2704(c)(2), confers a continuing right to a preference in hiring to an eligible employee of Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities. This right to a preference in hiring includes employment opportunities of any Department of Energy contractor, regardless of the place of performance of the contract. Accordingly, eligible former employees of contractors and subcontractors employed at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities, to the extent practicable, shall be provided a hiring preference in employment opportunities of other Department of Energy contractors for work under their contracts.

(b) The Office of Worker and Community Transition (WT) is responsible for establishing policies and procedures relating to the Department of Energy implementation of Section 3161. Contracting Officers, in concert with representatives of the field office responsible for implementation of Section 3161 at the Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facility and local counsel, should consult with the Office of Worker and Community Transition to determine applicability of Section 3161 requirements, including hiring preference requirements, for displaced workers.

926.7104 Contract clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 952.226-74, Workforce Restructuring and Displaced Employee Hiring Preference, in contracts (both non-management and operating contracts and management and operating contracts), except for contracts for commercial items, pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 403, that exceed $500,000.