9.109 Prohibition on contracting with an entity involved in activities that violate arms control treaties or agreements with the United States. 9.109-1 Authority.9.109-2 Prohibition.9.109-3 Exception.9.109-4 Certification by the offeror.9.109-5 Solicitation provision.Parent topic: Subpart 9.1 - Responsible Prospective Contractors
9.109 Prohibition on contracting with an entity involved in activities that violate arms control treaties or agreements with the United States. 9.109-1 Authority.9.109-2 Prohibition.9.109-3 Exception.9.109-4 Certification by the offeror.9.109-5 Solicitation provision.Parent topic: Subpart 9.1 - Responsible Prospective Contractors
9.109 Prohibition on contracting with an entity involved in activities that violate arms control treaties or agreements with the United States. 9.109-1 Authority.9.109-2 Prohibition.9.109-3 Exception.9.109-4 Certification by the offeror.9.109-5 Solicitation provision.Parent topic: Subpart 9.1 - Responsible Prospective Contractors