5807.101 Definitions

Component Acquisition Executive (CAE). The CAE has oversight and review authority for all acquisition matters. The CAE has the authority and is accountable for all acquisition functions and activities in the Agency. (Source: DISAI 610-225- 2)

Procurement Services Executive (PSE). Serves as the DISA HCA.

DISA Mission Partner. Internal DISA program office (i.e., requirements office).

DISA Program/Project. A DISA funded logical grouping of requirements designed to provide a new, improved, or continuing capability in response to a validated operational capability.

High-Risk Contracts. Cost reimbursement (CR) contracts, time-and-materials (T&M) contracts, and labor-hour (LH) contracts. The definition of high-risk does not include direct 8(a) contracts equal to or below the competitive threshold in FAR 19.805-1(a)(2).

High-Risk Contract Line Item Numbers (CLIN). CR, T&M, and LH CLINs. When a combination of CLIN types are used (sometimes referred to as a “hybrid”), the contract is considered high-risk if the high-risk CLINs constitute 50% or more of the total estimated cost.

Integrated Product (or Process) Team (IPT). A cross-functional team formed for the specific purpose of delivering a capability for an external or internal mission partner.

Independent Government Cost Estimate (IGCE). The IGCE is a required evaluation tool in DISA source selections. As such its integrity is critical, and the PMO shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate technical and cost and price analysts are involved in its development.

Non-DISA Mission Partner. An external program office (i.e., requirements office), such as other DoD Components and Federal Agencies.

Program Executive Officer (PEO). Appointed by the CAE to manage portfolios of programs, projects, initiatives, and services. (Source: DISAI 610-225-2)

Program Manager (PM) or Program Management Office (PMO). The designated person (i.e., requirements official) or office responsible for the planning function of all phases of the acquisition cycle, and develops and maintains written plans, as required by statute, policy or regulation.

Decision Authority (DA). Official designated by the CAE to manage portfolios of programs, projects, and services. The senior official responsible for ensuring that a proposed services acquisition is consistent with DoD’s policies, procedures, and best practices guidelines for the acquisition of services. The DA is responsible to identify, assess, validate, and approve services acquisition requirements within delegated thresholds. The approval of a requirement allows prioritization of mission requirements to best support mission needs within available funding limits.