552.301 Matrix of Provisions and Clauses.

Format: Applicability:
P or C = Provision or Clause R = Required
IBR = Is Incorporation by Reference Authorized A = Required when Applicable
UCF = Uniform Contract Format Section, When Applicable O = Optional
Y = Yes
N = No
Type of Contract:
FP SUP = Fixed-Price Supply DDR = Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Improvements
CR SUP = Cost Reimbursement Supply A&E = Architect-Engineering
FP R&D = Fixed-Price Research & Development FAC = Facilities
CR R&D = Cost Reimbursement Research and IND DEL = Indefinite Delivery
FP SVC = Fixed-Price Service TRN = Transportation
CR SVC = Cost Reimbursement Service SAP = Simplified Acquisition Threshold (excluding micro-purchases)
FP CON = Fixed-Price Construction UTL SVC = Utility Services
CR CON = Cost Reimbursement Construction CI = Commercial Items
T&M LH = Time & Material/Labor Hours FSS = Federal Supply Schedule (*GSA Unique Program)
LMV = Leasing of Motor Vehicles STOCK = Acquisitions for GSA Stock Program (*GSA Unique Program)
COM SVC = Communication Services