Subpart 1842.70—Additional NASA Contract Clauses

1842.7001 Denied access to NASA facilities.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.242–72, Denied Access to NASA Facilities, in solicitations and contracts where contractor personnel will be working onsite at a NASA facility such as: NASA Headquarters and NASA Centers, including Component Facilities and Technical and Service Support Centers. For a list of NASA facilities see NPD 1000.3 “The NASA Organization”. The contracting officer shall not insert the clause where contractor personnel will be working onsite at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory including the Deep Space Network Communication Facilities (Goldstone, CA; Canberra, Australia; and Madrid, Spain).

1842.7002 Travel outside of the United States.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.242–71, Travel Outside of the United States, in cost-reimbursement solicitations and contracts where a contractor may travel outside of the United States and it is appropriate to require Government approval of the travel.

1842.7003 Emergency medical services and evacuation.

The contracting officer must insert the clause at 1852.242–78, Emergency Medical Services and Evacuation, in all solicitations and contracts when employees of the contractor are required to travel outside the United States or to remote locations in the United States.

Subpart 1842.71 [Reserved]

Subpart 1842.72—NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting

1842.7201 General.

(a) [Reserved]

(b) Reporting requirements.

(1) Use of the NASA Contractor Financial Management Reports, the NASA form 533 series, is required on cost-type, price redetermination, and fixed-price incentive contracts when the following dollar, period of performance, and scope criteria are met:

Contract value/scope Period of performance 533M 533Q
$500K to $999K 1 year or more Required Optional.
$1,000,000 and over Less than 1 year Required Optional.
$1,000,000 and over 1 year or more Required Required.

(2) When it is probable that a contract will ultimately meet the criteria in paragraph (b)(1) of this section through change orders, supplemental agreements, etc., the reporting requirement must be implemented in the contract based on the estimated final contract value at the time of award.

1842.7202 Contract clause.

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.242–73, NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting, in solicitations and contracts when any of the NASA Form 533 series of reports is required from the contractor.