SUBCHAPTER D—SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS PART 919—SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMSPART 922—APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONPART 923—ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION, AND MATERIAL SAFETYPART 924—PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONPART 925—FOREIGN ACQUISITIONPART 926—OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMSPART 919—SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Subpart 919.2—Policies919.201 General policy.Subpart 919.5—Set-Asides for Small Business919.501 General.919.502 Setting aside acquisitions.919.502-2 Total small business set-asides.919.503 Setting aside a class of acquisitions for small business.Subpart 919.6—Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Eligibility919.602-1 Referral.Subpart 919.7—The Small Business Subcontracting Program919.705-6 Postaward responsibilities of the contracting officer.Subpart 919.8—Contracting With the Small Business Administration (The 8(a) Program)919.805-2 Procedures.Subpart 919.70—The Department of Energy Mentor-Protege Program919.7001 Scope of subpart.919.7002 Definitions.919.7003 General policy.919.7004 General prohibitions.919.7005 Eligibility to be a Mentor.919.7006 Incentives for DOE contractor participation.919.7007 Eligibility to be a Protege.919.7008 Selection of Proteges.919.7009 Process for participation in the program.919.7010 Contents of Mentor-Protege Agreement.919.7011 Developmental assistance.919.7012 Review and approval process of agreement by OSDBU.919.7013 Reports.919.7014 Solicitation provision.PART 922—APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITION Subpart 922.1—Basic Labor Policies922.101-70 General (applicability of Management and Operating contractor basic labor policies to certain non-Management and Operating contracts).922.103 Overtime.922.103-4 Approvals.922.103-5 Contract clauses.Subpart 922.4—Labor Standards for Contracts Involving Construction922.406 Administration and enforcement.922.406-1 Policy.Subpart 922.6 [Reserved]Subpart 922.8—Equal Employment Opportunity922.800 Scope of subpart.922.802 [Reserved]922.803 Responsibilities.922.804 [Reserved]922.804-1 Nonconstruction.922.804-2 Construction.922.807 Exemptions.PART 923—ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION, AND MATERIAL SAFETY Subpart 923.1—Sustainable Acquisition923.170 Policy.923.171 Applicability to contractors.923.172 Contract clauses.Subpart 923.4—Contractor Compliance With Environmental Management Systems923.404 Contract clause.Subpart 923.70—Environmental, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, and Occupational Safety Programs923.7001 Nuclear safety.923.7002 Worker safety and health.923.7003 Contract clauses.PART 924—PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Subpart 924.1—Protection of Individual Privacy924.103 Procedures.PART 925—FOREIGN ACQUISITION Subpart 925.1—Buy American Act—Supplies925.103 Exceptions.Subpart 925.2—Buy American Act—Construction Materials925.202 Exceptions.Subpart 925.7—Prohibited Sources925.701-70 Prohibited sources.Subpart 925.9 [Reserved]Subpart 925.10—Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations925.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.Subpart 925.70—Acquisition of Nuclear Hot Cell Services925.7000 Scope of subpart.925.7001 Definitions.925.7002 Policy.925.7003 Requirements.925.7004 Contract clause.Subpart 925.71—Export Control925.7100 Scope of subpart.925.7101 Policy.925.7102 Contract clause.PART 926—OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Subpart 926.5—Drug-Free Workplace926.500 Scope of subpart.926.570 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites.926.570-1 Applicability.926.570-2 Solicitation provision and contract clause.926.570-3 Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and debarment and suspension actions.Subpart 926.70—Implementation of Section 3021 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992926.7001 Policy.926.7002 Responsibilities.926.7003 Review of the procurement request.926.7004 Size standard for Energy Policy Act procurements.926.7005 Preferences under the Energy Policy Act.926.7006 Goal measurement and reporting requirements.926.7007 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 926.71—Implementation of Section 3161 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993.926.7101 Policy.926.7102 Definition.926.7103 Requirements.926.7104 Contract clause.
SUBCHAPTER D—SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS PART 919—SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMSPART 922—APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITIONPART 923—ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION, AND MATERIAL SAFETYPART 924—PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATIONPART 925—FOREIGN ACQUISITIONPART 926—OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMSPART 919—SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAMS Subpart 919.2—Policies919.201 General policy.Subpart 919.5—Set-Asides for Small Business919.501 General.919.502 Setting aside acquisitions.919.502-2 Total small business set-asides.919.503 Setting aside a class of acquisitions for small business.Subpart 919.6—Certificates of Competency and Determinations of Eligibility919.602-1 Referral.Subpart 919.7—The Small Business Subcontracting Program919.705-6 Postaward responsibilities of the contracting officer.Subpart 919.8—Contracting With the Small Business Administration (The 8(a) Program)919.805-2 Procedures.Subpart 919.70—The Department of Energy Mentor-Protege Program919.7001 Scope of subpart.919.7002 Definitions.919.7003 General policy.919.7004 General prohibitions.919.7005 Eligibility to be a Mentor.919.7006 Incentives for DOE contractor participation.919.7007 Eligibility to be a Protege.919.7008 Selection of Proteges.919.7009 Process for participation in the program.919.7010 Contents of Mentor-Protege Agreement.919.7011 Developmental assistance.919.7012 Review and approval process of agreement by OSDBU.919.7013 Reports.919.7014 Solicitation provision.PART 922—APPLICATION OF LABOR LAWS TO GOVERNMENT ACQUISITION Subpart 922.1—Basic Labor Policies922.101-70 General (applicability of Management and Operating contractor basic labor policies to certain non-Management and Operating contracts).922.103 Overtime.922.103-4 Approvals.922.103-5 Contract clauses.Subpart 922.4—Labor Standards for Contracts Involving Construction922.406 Administration and enforcement.922.406-1 Policy.Subpart 922.6 [Reserved]Subpart 922.8—Equal Employment Opportunity922.800 Scope of subpart.922.802 [Reserved]922.803 Responsibilities.922.804 [Reserved]922.804-1 Nonconstruction.922.804-2 Construction.922.807 Exemptions.PART 923—ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE ACQUISITION, AND MATERIAL SAFETY Subpart 923.1—Sustainable Acquisition923.170 Policy.923.171 Applicability to contractors.923.172 Contract clauses.Subpart 923.4—Contractor Compliance With Environmental Management Systems923.404 Contract clause.Subpart 923.70—Environmental, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, and Occupational Safety Programs923.7001 Nuclear safety.923.7002 Worker safety and health.923.7003 Contract clauses.PART 924—PROTECTION OF PRIVACY AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Subpart 924.1—Protection of Individual Privacy924.103 Procedures.PART 925—FOREIGN ACQUISITION Subpart 925.1—Buy American Act—Supplies925.103 Exceptions.Subpart 925.2—Buy American Act—Construction Materials925.202 Exceptions.Subpart 925.7—Prohibited Sources925.701-70 Prohibited sources.Subpart 925.9 [Reserved]Subpart 925.10—Additional Foreign Acquisition Regulations925.1001 Waiver of right to examination of records.Subpart 925.70—Acquisition of Nuclear Hot Cell Services925.7000 Scope of subpart.925.7001 Definitions.925.7002 Policy.925.7003 Requirements.925.7004 Contract clause.Subpart 925.71—Export Control925.7100 Scope of subpart.925.7101 Policy.925.7102 Contract clause.PART 926—OTHER SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Subpart 926.5—Drug-Free Workplace926.500 Scope of subpart.926.570 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites.926.570-1 Applicability.926.570-2 Solicitation provision and contract clause.926.570-3 Suspension of payments, termination of contract, and debarment and suspension actions.Subpart 926.70—Implementation of Section 3021 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992926.7001 Policy.926.7002 Responsibilities.926.7003 Review of the procurement request.926.7004 Size standard for Energy Policy Act procurements.926.7005 Preferences under the Energy Policy Act.926.7006 Goal measurement and reporting requirements.926.7007 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.Subpart 926.71—Implementation of Section 3161 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993.926.7101 Policy.926.7102 Definition.926.7103 Requirements.926.7104 Contract clause.