Subpart 715.6—Unsolicited Proposals

715.602 Policy.

(a) USAID encourages the submission of unsolicited proposals that contribute new and innovative ideas that are consistent with and contribute to the accomplishment of the Agency's objectives. Potential offerors should consider the guidance in FAR 15.6 and in AIDAR 715.6 prior to preparing and submitting a formal unsolicited proposal.

(b) Unsolicited proposals will only be considered when they support USAID strategy. USAID Mission programs must be responsive to the needs of the cooperating country; projects are often designed in collaboration with the cooperating country. These factors can limit both the need for, and USAID's ability to use, unsolicited proposals.

(c) The website contains information on working with USAID and on individual Mission and Agency-wide strategies and objectives. Prospective offerors are also encouraged to review USAID's Business Forecast web page and consider responding to USAID competitive announcements published on and

715.604 Agency points of contact.

(a) USAID's Industry Liaison, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, manages the receipt and evaluation of unsolicited proposals. Unsolicited proposals may be submitted via:

(b) Before preparing a detailed unsolicited proposal or submitting proprietary information, a prospective offeror may make preliminary contact with USAID bureaus, field missions, or other operating units to obtain information sources on USAID's strategies and objectives and other information listed in FAR 15.604 and AIDAR 715.602.