Authority: 5 U.S.C. 301 and 40 U.S.C. 486(c).

Source: 61 FR 53646, Oct. 15, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

      453.000 Scope of part.

      Subpart 453.1 - General

           453.103 Exceptions.

           453.108 Recommendations concerning forms.

      Subpart 453.2 - Prescription of Forms

           453.200 Scope of subpart.

           453.213 Simplified Acquisition and other simplified purchase procedures (AD-838).

           453.270 Request for contract action (AD-700).

      Subpart 453.3 - Illustrations of Forms

           453.300 Scope of subpart.

           453.303 Agency forms.

           453.303-700 Procurement Request (AD-700).

           453.303-838 Purchase Order (AD-838).

453.000 Scope of part.

This part:

(a) Prescribes USDA (AD) forms for use in acquisition,

(b) Contains requirements and information generally applicable to AD forms and forms prescribed by FAR part 53, and

(c) Illustrates AD forms.

Subpart 453.1 - General

453.103 Exceptions.

(a) The contracting officer shall submit a request for exceptions to forms prescribed in FAR part 53 through the head of the contracting activity (HCA) to the Senior Procurement Executive (SPE) for referral to the GSA.

(b) Requests for exceptions to AD forms prescribed in part 453 shall be handled as individual or class deviations, as appropriate (see subpart 401.4).

453.108 Recommendations concerning forms.

Contracting officers shall submit recommendations for new forms or to revise, eliminate, or consolidate forms prescribed by FAR part 53 and part 453 through the HCA to the SPE.

Subpart 453.2 - Prescription of Forms

453.200 Scope of subpart.

This subpart prescribes USDA (AD) forms for use in acquisition. Consistent with the approach used in FAR subpart 53.2, this subpart is arranged by subject matter, in the same order as, and keyed to, the parts of the AGAR in which the form usage requirements are addressed.

453.213 Simplified Acquisition and other simplified purchase procedures (AD-838).

Form AD-838, Purchase Order, is prescribed for use as a Simplified Acquisition Procedure/delivery order/task order document in lieu of OF 347 and OF 348, except that use of the OF 347 and OF 348 is authorized when utilizing the USDA Integrated Acquisition System (See 413.307).

453.270 Request for contract action (AD-700).

Form AD-700, Procurement Request, may be used as a contract requisition document by contracting activities in USDA.

Subpart 453.3 - Illustrations of Forms

453.300 Scope of subpart.

This subpart contains illustrations of USDA (AD) forms for use in acquisitions. Forms are not illustrated in the Federal Register or Code of Federal Regulations. Individual copies may be obtained from any USDA contracting activity or the office of the SPE.

453.303 Agency forms.

453.303-700 Procurement Request (AD-700).

453.303-838 Purchase Order (AD-838).